Tina, sounds like you know whut yer talkin' 'bout. Jest whut if they had to trot out them Society-sanctioned thurapists who did'n even have a lahcense to practice in their state? Some of them have been hung out to drah by Ms Wah (former buds) and jest might be a-wanten and a-willin' to talk.
Ms Wah can always appeal to the Confucian sense of relying on one's own interior moral guidance - Kent has a thread. Tina, I'm informed that lawyers say she is a much better lawyer than a Christian or JW, and that isn't saying much.
First, do we use our in-house guys and save money? We've done it before and can do it again. Let's do that and just throw big money at them to settle and see if this suit will go away.
Do we get a big constitutional lawyer from Yale to handle things for us? Big bucks, but we can do that. How do we explain or justify the enormous expense to the rank and file? Oh, let's get help on the QT, and get money from the loyal friends by asking them for funds for some other needy project.
Let's change the name from Watchtower Society to Christian Congregation. Ooops, we did that already. Let's change the address from 100 Watchtower Drive to Route 22 Patterson. Done. Check current letterheads.
Let's change the Treasurer's Office from the Pennsylvania corporation, been that way since the beginning, to the New York corporation. Done.
Don't take a chance that anyone says the wrong thing to the media, let's dismantle Public Information and just have one spokesperson. Done.
Better not have any Public Affairs office in Great Britain or other countries. Done. You folks in the UK, call London Bethel and ask for the Public Affairs office and see for yourselves what they say. Maximus tells me the answer will be: "There is no such office any more." Check it out and share what you learn. I'd like to know for sure.
I wonder if that New Hampshire congregation will have any trouble filling up the time slot for "local needs" on the Service Meeting?