Doubt Not!

by silentlambs 57 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • ZazuWitts


    Bill, YES, YES, YES! Before I even posted here, I linked to your site, and have sent the press release/complaint on to seven newspapers here in far. Please, everyone, do the same in your respective areas...the more publicity this issue gets, the better! It matters not if we overlap a little in sending it on to various newspapers.

    I also mentioned that Dateline will be airing their program in the Fall. Thought that might encourage the newspapers to want to 'get on the bandwagon' with coverage, too.

    Maximus, I checked out attorney Anderson in Martindale-Hubbell; impressive credentials indeed. And the firm has coveted top-ranking "A" listing in M-H directory. He was also recognized in "Lawyers who Get Things Done." IMO, not just a 'big gun' - more like a 'cannon'...aimed right at Brooklyn. :)

  • Maximus

    I'm still hearing the echo of the statement in w 2/15/200, p. 29, about the silenceing of Cyril Lucaris. See the board thread, GB Has No Answers: Blood

    "The ruling ecclesiastical class ... proved to be among the worst enemies of religious freedom and truth. Sadly, this is a stance that in various ways survives even to our day. It is a sobering reminder of what happens when clergy-instigated intrigues stand in the way of freedom of thought and expression."

    : the beginning of some genuine justice and serious accountability

    Amazing simply says it all.

    The ruling ecclesiastical class of JWs has sown the wind; it is about to reap the whirlwind. Batten down the hatches, Brooklyn!


  • SixofNine

    Very, VERY gratifying!

  • Gopher

    This is great news.

    Living in the same metropolitan area as the "Reinhardt and Anderson" law firm, I can confirm their excellent reputation. This case is in good hands, far as this observer can tell.

    If you want to read more about this firm, and how it has represented victims of sexual abuse in the religious environment, go to this site:

    GopherWhy shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

  • Mulan

    I hope it makes the TV news too. Not many dubs get a newspaper in my area.

    Great work Bill. Keep us updated on this.

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)

  • Mulan

    I just emailed this to The Seattle Times and to the Seattle PI, the major newspapers here. They usually follow up with a phone call, at least, to verify. I gave them your phone number, Bill.

    I cut and pasted silentlambs' post and emailed it. All of the newspapers I have seen, have a way to email a news tip. Ideas, anyone?

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)

  • Angharad

    Thats great Bill

    Keep us updated

  • Ray Skyhorse
    Ray Skyhorse

    Thanks Bill for all of your hard work. My JW wife brings our little one to the meetings with her. I worry about him being molested. Your work gives me some comfort. Thank you for trying to make the world a safer place for kids.


  • Tina

    Just an aside but relevant to this topic.

    I wonder if the lovely Ms Wah is gearing up for a part in this.
    And I also wonder,considering how the WTS has a history of bashing the mental health profession,just who they will be using as their 'expert witnesses' when they attempt to discredit and diminish the degree of harm their policies have caused.Because I can't think of how they could put on any kind of effective defense without the 'expert witnesses' they can buy.(sorry but there are folks in the field that sell their services to the highest bidder)
    There was somebody( along time ago) that I spoke with in mail.They remained anonymous and had asked about attys regarding this. Gee,maybe even 2 yrs ago already.
    There was a firm in Dc that had experience with this as well. I can't recall them offhand,as I lost all data long ago in a 'crash'.
    And I wonder what will be the reasons given when the push for more donations happens,,,(of course the r/f will pay for everything).
    Lots to look forward too anyway. Well DOne! T

  • Anchor

    Tina, sounds like you know whut yer talkin' 'bout. Jest whut if they had to trot out them Society-sanctioned thurapists who did'n even have a lahcense to practice in their state? Some of them have been hung out to drah by Ms Wah (former buds) and jest might be a-wanten and a-willin' to talk.

    Ms Wah can always appeal to the Confucian sense of relying on one's own interior moral guidance - Kent has a thread. Tina, I'm informed that lawyers say she is a much better lawyer than a Christian or JW, and that isn't saying much.


    First, do we use our in-house guys and save money? We've done it before and can do it again. Let's do that and just throw big money at them to settle and see if this suit will go away.

    Do we get a big constitutional lawyer from Yale to handle things for us? Big bucks, but we can do that. How do we explain or justify the enormous expense to the rank and file? Oh, let's get help on the QT, and get money from the loyal friends by asking them for funds for some other needy project.

    Let's change the name from Watchtower Society to Christian Congregation. Ooops, we did that already. Let's change the address from 100 Watchtower Drive to Route 22 Patterson. Done. Check current letterheads.

    Let's change the Treasurer's Office from the Pennsylvania corporation, been that way since the beginning, to the New York corporation. Done.

    Don't take a chance that anyone says the wrong thing to the media, let's dismantle Public Information and just have one spokesperson. Done.

    Better not have any Public Affairs office in Great Britain or other countries. Done. You folks in the UK, call London Bethel and ask for the Public Affairs office and see for yourselves what they say. Maximus tells me the answer will be: "There is no such office any more." Check it out and share what you learn. I'd like to know for sure.

    I S O L A T I O N

    I wonder if that New Hampshire congregation will have any trouble filling up the time slot for "local needs" on the Service Meeting?


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