The Skeptic's Worst Nightmare (S)

by Shining One 94 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • peacefulpete

    When a detective arrives at the scene of a crime how does he proceed? Would he not look for clues like: Who was the murder victim? when was the murder done? how was it done? if a weapon was used, what type ? and where did it come from?. If forensics and the rest of the team find that a suspect knew the victim, was last seen with him, and owned and was an expert with the type of weapon used, would we not say that progress is being made and that a lead suspect has been found? It the absence of positive evidence otherwise should not the investigation focus on him?

    It is a fact that today DNA evidence positively links modern species as having arisen from common decent. It is a fact that fossil evidence reveals species that no longer exist and that these appear morphologically as credible ancesteral forms of modern species. It is a fact that speciation is happening today and is observed. It is a fact that there are nonliving self replicating molecules that have a relationship with moderns living things. It's a fact that there are forms of life that defy clasification because of extreme simplicity and unusual methods of replication. All the evidence is consistent with some type of ambiogenesis and subsequent evolution. In that lack of positive evidence otherwise, should not science focus on refining those hypotheses?

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    >Well, yes.I invite rebuttal.

    The cross of Calvary stands like a beacon of light down through the ages. A savior became sin that those who would believe were imputed His righteousness and would gain life eternal. You see, Terry. God did not create puppets but men in His image: independently willed beings. He also willed that they would live into eternity, separated or not.
    God prepared a saviour from the foundation of the world. He took the pain and the penalty for evil upon Himself. That is the ultimate rebuttal and you are so hard hearted you can't see His grace as it's being offered.

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    Free Willy,
    You're simply quacking liberal theological interpretation based on axioms that naturalists hold! In a word, "bunk"!

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    >i suppose that if you already believe in miracles, then you could believe that carm actually does a good job "answering" the difficulties, and not rehashing old, tired, circular arguments.
    Your very basis for logic depends on circular reasoning, as I have already shown (and you can't answer)! You also constantly appeal to authority with your unqualified acceptance of 'science' from a naturalistic presupposition.

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    >But experts in any field can astound us with the depth and breadth of their knowledge.

    I love that one...the pig tooth that was the evolution evidence in the famous 'Monkey Trial'. They claimed it was a fossil of man and even had a wonderful drawing showing the development of ape to man. LOL
    Then there was the forty year fraud called 'Piltdown Man'. Evolutionists are real wonders at estimation and interpretation, as long as it fits their projected and predicted results!

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