C.S. Lewis statement....

by Shining One 50 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • EvilForce

    Iron....yeah.... I visited one of those planets in the CS solar system too... I think it was Planet Lovetron.

    Very pretty this time of year.

  • tetrapod.sapien


    there you go with your freaking all or nothinng, everyone or no-one statements! i answered your question you twit. so not "everyone" has ignored it. DOH!

    and since i'm having such a swell time dealing with you, i'm-a-gonna answer it again:

    BTW, why does everyone here accept the existence of these other figures but many do not accept the existence of Christ Jesus?

    apart from my answer above, where i refuse to go on further because of the narrow minded perspective of the question, here is yet another answer:

    because, unless jesus is your drinking buddy, the ftuff he said in the bible can be found elsewhere in literature that do not pretend to be from god. this is preferable. not to mention, that as far as holy men are concerned, buddha makes a world more sense than jesus ever did. just the implicit assertions alone are reason to smile at buddha and laugh at jesus.

    there, now you have two answers to your brilliant question.




  • tetrapod.sapien
    You ask for evidence and the opinion of scholars yet that is not suitable either.

    LOL. you have not presented one scholar of repute or esteem, and not a single shred of evidence for your general assertions, or implicit assumptions.

    thanks for posting some stuff from c.s. lewis, but i still have a copy of my book O' bible stories.



  • damselfly
    BTW, why does everyone here accept the existence of these other figures but many do not accept the existence of Christ Jesus?

    Perhaps if you didn't lump everyone together and state our so-called beliefs for us more people would answer your statement.

    Tetra~ My money's on you!


  • seven006

    ***BTW, why does everyone here accept the existence of these other figures but many do not accept the existence of Christ Jesus?***

    What is it exactly that you are a teacher of? In what capacity or what educational level do you teach?

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    >Perhaps if you didn't lump everyone together and state our so-called beliefs for us more people would answer your statement.

    I am truly sorry about that. Since know one else is disputing what the naturalistic bunch are saying then I assume you are all in agreement when they make statements. I get so many reactionaries chiming in that I have trouble sorting out the rest's opinions, especially when they are silent.

  • damselfly
    Since know one else is disputing what the naturalistic bunch are saying then I assume you are all in agreement when they make statements. I get so many reactionaries chiming in that I have trouble sorting out the rest's opinions, especially when they are silent.

    I'm sure I don't need to break apart the word ass-u-me for you do I? Best of luck if you decide to take Tetra and "the naturalistic bunch" on.


  • Robert K Stock
    Robert K Stock

    I love C S Lewis. My favorite books are the Space Trilogy, 1) Out Of The Silent Planet 2) Perelandra 3) That Hideous Strength. The first book is kinda of hokey but each one gets better and the third is my favorite Lewis book of all time. The Great Divorce is also a great book by Lewis.

    I have no problem accepting the existence of Jesus. He was a nice Jewish boy who became delusional and in his diseased mental state imagined he was the Messiah.

    I agree with Lewis. Jesus was either God or madman. Jesus was a madman.

  • hamsterbait

    1: "A man who was a man and said" Replace man with egg, ostrich , you name it. The point starts ridiculously, as only humans actually say words in the way being spoken of here.

    2: "and said the sort of things Jesus said" - read the gospels, people weeping burning in hell, destroyed by God for not believing things that are not made logically clear or consistent.

    3: "would not be a great moral teacher" Why?

    Confucius was a man who came out with many beneficial teachings in common with christianity, as did Buddha, Hinduism, and Zen masters.

    Men have made many profoundly moral statements that have inspired mere humans to live better more loving and fulfilling lives without needing to claim divine authorship. They are nevertheless great moral teachers.

    A little child who says "Mommy, maybe you should forgive Daddy for .... not stab him to death." Is this childs profoundly moral viewpoint invalid because he is not "GOD"?


    Actually, I think "a man who was a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher" is probably true. Christianity is one of the most hate filled and vindictive religions mankind has ever known.

  • Shining One
    Shining One


    You obviously do not see the logical trap they have fallen into in the thread that Alan began trying to refute my ICR link. Your boys have just been checkmated but they refuse to admit it! Sorry to burst your bubble. BTW, it's easy to call people names to hide the fact that you have no argument....

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