IVF is not done for the procurment of embryo's to be destroyed. Show me where they are developing embryos for mere scientific research. They are talking about using cells that will not divide into a blastocyst. They are talking about using embies that will not make it. NEVER EVER HAVE I SEEN ANYTHING ABOUT USING IVF FOR THE PURPOSE OF CELL DIVISION ONLY. Parents must donate or the clinic must donate with parental consent.
And technically they do not all have 46 chromosones. That is why many do not thrive and basically why women who try so hard cannot achieve a pregnancy. Survival depends on the embryo developing and using the genetic material to become a fetus. Once an embryo reaches blast stage on day 5 it turns into one cell again and then you have viable material. I have great pictures of it if you care to educate yourself before you begin an argument.
DUH .. I did it in hopes of the embryo's thriving and implanting. It simply does not happen with every single egg even if you use ICSI. But then again according to you women who chose to work don't deserve to be able to have children if they can't do it naturally. Talk about judgemental and insensitive.
I would have gladly given those cells which I knew beyond a doubt would not develop to a lab to test for cures for cancer or whatever they needed them for.
Your argument is not viable, much like a 2 cell embryo that has fragmentation and is dark. I have pictures of those as well if need be so you can clearly understand that you simply have no idea of which you speak. But you have proven yourself to be an ass over and over. Wonder how many chromosomes a donkey has?