if there is such a thing as evil spirits of dead people coming back to mess with the living, yall better watch out when i'm gone cuz i'm gonna be one bad mofo.
Ouija boards Do you feel they are real or not?Any personal experiences?
by Ticker 67 Replies latest watchtower bible
Wow, some pretty interesting stories. Me personally Ive had it relate things that happened years later and yes they did come true. I had completely forgot about it until I messed with a board years later. Even the initials of who I would marry and that was when I was a kid, I had no idea who I would marry. No lies it honestly stated that. It's one of thoese bizzare instances.
I have had interesting experiences on the board and some very unsettling which I tend not to like to bring up. Ive talked with ghosts, spirits, demons, you name it. Even one demon who felt remorse with God, which kinda was not your average board experience. I don't play with the board anymore but when I used to I remember almost feeling an addiction for it. I was spending more and more time on it, without really realizing it. I even tore it in half once to get rid of it and tried it one last time before chucking it out. It still worked for me and the spirit pleaded for me not to throw it out but to remain friends. I have recently never bought a board since but have tried just a piece of cardboard and a plate and it works just as well for me. Not that im promoting the Ouji board, I certainly would not do that but its very mind boggling to me. I just can't be sure whether it is supernatural or whether I somehow created it all up sub-consciencelly. Its really wierd to me but still its interesting.
he said he'll never touch it again.
Why, did something weird happen? I would be deathly scared to play with one. Only cause I was taught it was run by satan and the demonz!
The Ouija Board is one of the few remaining emotinal tabu's I have leftover from dub-dumb, even though I've been to seances, mediums, and sweatlodges.
I can divine water - I had a witch teach me. I can tell someone how deep their well is, and have them confirm it. I had a witness - a lineman electrician - who me "divination" with two bent copper rods. When you cross a water pipe or electrical conduit, the rods cross. He used it on the job.
The Ouija Board is one of the few remaining emotinal tabu's I have leftover from dub-dumb
I can fully understand that. Myself it doesnt bother me anymore, as I don't really classify them as just demons communicating through a board on behalf of Satan, to further his side. For all I know it could be spirits, ghosts, entities, or pherhaps just some form of energy. I try not to let my JW past influence my views of things now. Thats if their truly is something supernatural to it. I was bothered by boards for along time due to my Jw upbringing and I totally understand the uneasiness of playing with one. I thik its a leftover factor from all the fear and guilt they pump into you through their doctrines and publications.
The spirits can't see the board if you're blindfolded.
I'm with Heathen....I don't want "anything ", taking a liking to me either. My husband and his friends used to play it religiously....until one day it really freaked them all out. He was a Catholic, not a JW, but there was some kind of energy, that would not let them out of the house....their hair all stood on end, and they were all crying...(I know, I laughed my head off when he told me)...finally someone was able to run for help...the man next door was a minister, Baptist, I believe. He gave them royal hell, and did something to "get rid" of the evil that was present...told them never to play with the ouija board again.
Years later, we went to an antique shop, and he put his hands on the planchette, and he said it started to creep him out again. We left promptly.....I don't know if they in fact DO work, but I'm not going to find out either....
Personally I've seen spirits so there's no question in my mind they exist and they are very persistent in creeping my out in various ways . Not interested in anything to do with trying to communicate with them other than trying to communicate with God who is a spirit .
>> I can divine water - I had a witch teach me. I can tell someone how deep their well is, and have them confirm it. I had a witness - a lineman electrician - who me "divination" with two bent copper rods. When you cross a water pipe or electrical conduit, the rods cross. He used it on the job.
I sincerely doubt it. Dowsing has been tested *exhaustively* and no one has ever done better than chance. There's a lot of water underground and it's pretty hard to miss. Anyone can do just as well as you by randomly picking a spot to dig.
rem -
I believe that Ouija boards are real. However, that being said, I have heard said many times that Ouija boards bring in "psychic junk". Being on many home investigations of paranormal activity, the first question we ALWAYS ask is if a Ouija board has been recently used. I believe it can invite unwanted spirits that may be hard to rid yourself of.
I'm sure I will get many arguments regarding this post, but there are many other ways to contact the "other side" than Ouija boards.