Captain Schmideo - I agree with the angelic guidance topic, I don't buy that either well at least not in the JW sence. I don't believe Angels are out their leading people to peoples doors with specific JW magazines, lmao I mean that almost sounds looney tunes but I guess we all used to somewhat accept that during our witness time. No doubt also their are some exceptional magicians, look at David Blane, many of the things he does I honestly could not explain; Levatation, ripping up objects then having them reapear in perfect condition, having someones face instantly apear in a tatoo on his skin, etc. He's either a really good illusionist or their is something unexplainable. Also your point with the demons bending strings for mankind, Yah why dont they if their trying to plead their case for mans worsip. Haha you think they would be trying to make us totally excited about their taking over the reigns but no, they just leave us as miserable. They sure are doing a poor campaign job for our votes. lmao
Tsunami Rider - Wierd or very coincedental for sure that dream was. Thoese other dreams were just wierd too. lol Oh well makes the nights sleep interesting. Thanks for relating.
Jeffro - Oh I agree that even the whole board being a portal to the spirit world for a mere 12 bucks seem ridiculous, but still maybe their is something to it, pherhaps a energy rather so much a spirit. I don't know Ive always wondered myself. I don't think that it having some energy force need go against the realms of science, look at magnets. At one time people thought magnetism was some form of witchcraft but later we find out its just one of the laws of science. Everything that is hard to explain or unexplainable at the time alwasy seems to get wrote off as supernatural. I just think we havn't totally figured out the forces behind it yet, whether they be supernatural or rather just a natural occurence of some logical force.