Hi Laoliaia
THanks for your detailed post regarding the GC and 144000. It cleared up ALOT!
I have two nagging questions below...please reply either here or directly to me at [email protected]
Thanks much
Those who are raised in the "first resurrection" are "the souls of all who had been beheaded for having witnessed for Jesus ... those who refused to worship the Beast or his statue and would not have the brand-mark on their foreheads or hands" (20:4). The resurrected are all those who died in the "great tribulation", and those martyred beforehand (cf. ch. 6), and they all had refused the Beast's mark. According to 13:15-17, all those who refused to worship the Beast or refused the Beast's mark was "put to death". This does not leave any group still living by the time of the "first resurrection" since everyone who rejected the Beast's mark was killed off by the Beast and everyone who accepted it was executed by God and his angels (14:9-11).
Who does the Devil try to mislead after the 1000 yrs if no one is left?
And this makes sense because people who haven't died are not resurrected and only those in the "first resurrection" are those who reign with Christ and serve as priests of God. So those in the "first resurrection" do not constitute a "third group", they are the same people as those who were martyred by the Beast. The second group, those who bore the "mark of the Beast" (and "the rest of the dead") are raised in the "second resurrection" (20:5, 11-15).
Who are the rest of the dead?
There are 2 battles? What humans are left for the 2nd battle if all who accepted the mark are killed in the first?