How many of you had assembly parts?

by rebel8 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • rebel8

    I was just remembering I had a part in an assembly part once. I was a fresh new pioneer (who never, ever made my time, lol) just out of high school. They gave me a brief part to say I was glad I didn't go to college and how I turned down a good job to pioneer.

    The entire time I knew everything I said was a lie. I was always very, very, very angry about being prevented from going to college and prevented from working full time. I never agreed with it and hated the pioneer lifestyle. I even cringed when anyone referred to me as a pioneer. I did not want to do the part but I was not given a choice. I even told the elder I didn't want to hold myself out there as exemplary when in fact I wasn't a real pioneer. Told him I wasn't making my time, and I didn't really feel the way my script said I felt. He said to do it anyway. I went up there and said my lines, looking out and seeing a sea of gullible people with spacy smiling looks on their faces.

    Anyone else have an assembly part and how did you feel?

    Edited for grammar. Holy run-on sentences, Batman!

  • PaulJ

    I went up twice.

    First i went up with my family. It was part of an item on how fathers lead the family spiritually (or something).

    Then I went up as a teenager to talk about the difficulties of being a JW and a teenager. Lots of 'keeping your eyes on the prize' bollocks and 'bloom of youth' nonsense. Looking back that was quite sickening....

  • Purza

    I have been in two circuit assembly parts. Once when I was a teenager I played a householder that was just not interested (easy). That was before I was DFd.

    Then fastforward 10 years later when I was reinstated and a single mom and I stood up there telling everyone how wonderful I was raising a child and making it to every meeting. My motive for that part was to find a husband (seriously) -- I thought if I "appeared" spiritual Mr. Right would find me. What a naive person I was.


  • GetBusyLiving

    I was Josiah in a drama once. Had to play the harp and everything. Also did was interviewed at a couple of circuit assemblies.


  • tetrapod.sapien

    when i was a pioneer, i had several assembly parts, and did the mics etc etc. it wasn't that strange. i knew what was expected of me, and i still thought it was da troof, so i experienced little dissonance. i started pioneering at 17, and was appojnted a MS at 18. i think a lot of people thought i was going places in the org. CO loved me. so, at the time of the assembly parts, i really did not have any experiences with the darker side of da troof, what with all the love-bombing and whatnot. really just a classic case of denial.

  • wanderlustguy

    I did it, and felt like a total loser afterwards.

  • jaredg

    i did the number 2 talk, bible reading, at the circuit assembly when i was 15. i had practiced it so many times that i knew the whole bible reading by heart. i remember being nervous but it was cool when it was over.

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    Yes twice.

    Once as an Eight year old Kid...who allegedly hated the thought of Xmas and playing in a Nativity Play!It must have been true because my Parents told me so.

    Secondly,about 8 years ago.The joys of Pioneering when i was young etc.They must have been desperate for interviewees because i had long stopped Pioneering and had taken a good Job instead.Ha ha ..they left that bit out eh.

  • RunningMan

    I had a bunch of parts in both circuit and district assemblies - demonstrations, short talks, and reading experiences from other people, mostly. I was in two dramas. In the Jeremiah drama, I made the name of "man 3" a household word. My wife and I had major roles in one of the modern dramas. I've also done stage arrangements.

    The best part was making out with the groupies. Just kidding.

  • Vassago

    At one of the district assemblies, I was in a drama.

    I played the part of the daughter of the Egyptian Pharaoh (yes I was a Princess) who found Moses in his reed basket, floating in the Nile.

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