I was just remembering I had a part in an assembly part once. I was a fresh new pioneer (who never, ever made my time, lol) just out of high school. They gave me a brief part to say I was glad I didn't go to college and how I turned down a good job to pioneer.
The entire time I knew everything I said was a lie. I was always very, very, very angry about being prevented from going to college and prevented from working full time. I never agreed with it and hated the pioneer lifestyle. I even cringed when anyone referred to me as a pioneer. I did not want to do the part but I was not given a choice. I even told the elder I didn't want to hold myself out there as exemplary when in fact I wasn't a real pioneer. Told him I wasn't making my time, and I didn't really feel the way my script said I felt. He said to do it anyway. I went up there and said my lines, looking out and seeing a sea of gullible people with spacy smiling looks on their faces.
Anyone else have an assembly part and how did you feel?
Edited for grammar. Holy run-on sentences, Batman!