How many of you had assembly parts?

by rebel8 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • rebel8

    John Doe,

    I am not sick enough to blame myself for other people's actions, and I hope I never will be. I am proud of the short time frame it took me to overcome many obstacles put in front of me by others and will continue to take full credit for doing so.

    The purpose of this forum is to get support for the wrongs done to us, and that's what I'll continue to use it for as long and as often as I wish. If it bothers you, then don't read my posts. Or better yet, go back to the JWs if you think they're not responsible for any of their bad acts.

    If you desire to believe I'm a liar, pretend I contradict myself when I don't, and pretend I had 100% control of my own life as a child, then feel free to do so. Whatevah. Your last post selected snips of my posts and once again claims there is a contradiction where none exists. I'm not going to continue to point out the obvious inaccuracy of your "interpretations".

  • ballistic

    Here's my assembly parts....

  • cruzanheart

    I had lots of parts in circuit and district assemblies -- I'm a big ham and enjoyed being up there. I was a regular pioneer for 13 years, so it was good PR to put me up there to extol the virtues of my so-called lifestyle. The parts disappeared completely after I quit pioneering. I became totally invisible after Chris quit going to meetings (of course, a man at my side IS necessary to validate my existence), and many years later, right before I left the Borg completely, I had one final part. My book study conductor used me in a part on the meeting -- some presentation or something, I forget now, but the condition was that I wouldn't wear any above-the-knee skirts and I would wear pantyhose (guess I had a rep and didn't know it!). I laughed in his face but complied by wearing a black long sleeve turtleneck, a to-the-ankle black skirt, black tights and black shoes. If I'd had a scarf I would've made a perfect Muslim! One of the elders complimented me on my part after the meeting and said in wonderment, "I had no idea you were so good up there!" Yeah, buddy, imagine that -- the chick has a personality!

    Nope, don't miss it a bit!

  • NeonMadman

    I didn't get married until I was 26, so naturally, they continued to use me in all of the "youth" parts in the congregation, and occasionally on assemblies. In 1977 (I think) I was on the circuit assembly program in Natick, MA with a bunch of teenagers, and we actually were allowed to have a musical band that we had arranged on the platform! I played guitar, a girl played accordion, and a couple of other kids played different instruments. Of course, we played a kingdom song, "Worship Jehovah During Youth." But it was kind of neat, considering how boring the assemblies usually were.

    After that assembly, I informed the elders that I was 25 years old and didn't consider myself a "youth" anymore, so they should probably find someone else to handle those parts from then on.

  • Sassy

    I did.. I was about 16 yrs old.. I gave my experience about informal witnessing to a fellow student in school... who was now getting baptized..

  • Nosferatu

    I've had "Assembly Farts". Is that the same thing?

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