I saw a great example of the debate on spanking on CNN a while ago, when the teachers in an Atlanta public school had to call the police because a grade 6 kid was acting up so bad and wouldn't behave (no she wasn't mental---just an undisciplined brat) and of course the teachers aren't allowed to touch the kids anymore. So the cops came and the student continued to act out her tantrum so the cop finally handcuffed her. Naturally the parents are going to sue the school and the cops and everyone else under the sun.
One guy emailed CNN and said: "...One time when I misbehaved in school, the teacher walloped me and sent me to the Principal's Office who called my father who came down and walloped me again. Guess who never misbehaved in school again?"
While there are other forms of discipline, I think spanking is necessary in some cases. I see kids throwing a soul-piercing screaming tantrum in the middle of the Mall while the parents stand there with a stunned look on their face and do nothing. We would have never dreamed of throwing a tantrum anywhere, because we would've been walloped right then and there.
Equating spanking with beating a child is like equating kissing with intercourse. Yes there are other methods of discipline and parents should definitely use them, but when that doesn't work, a spanking usually will.