Sadly yes.
This only confirms the fact that it is a cult and they are brainwashed.
I left it 10 years ago formally by being DFed, have been living on my own ever since (well with roommates and boyfriends etc...and now with a most wonderful boyfriend for the last 3 years but you get the point, supporting myself with no help from them whatsoever), have a pretty good life, a job I love and am devoted to, friends I can count on who are fabulous and so many life experiences I wouldn't trade in for anything. No regrets.
Yet, somehow, in my mother's eyes I *must* want to eventually go back to that which I got myself DFed from. I guess I don't fit the mold of the hopeless, lost, depressed worldling who is so unsuccessful and needing of them huh?
It drives me crazy.
It's like logic just completely goes over their heads and their myopic way of thinking that everyone who is not a part of their ridiculous cult is starving to be in it as well makes me so furious sometimes as well.
But I take a deep breath and look around at what I have which is richer and deeper than any of that BS and that is that.