My mom thinks that if I leave "that man"(my significant other of 5 yrs) I would be free to go to the meetings again. Although I have told her and my family that I have no intention in going back. He doesn't care either way how I worship. I have told them that I am never facing a group of men that have no qualifications to council me or tell me what to do to be right with God. But they still mention how great the meeting was and how much I missed a great talk or mention a great scripture that puts them at ease.
Does your family still think you are coming back?
by kid-A 42 Replies latest jw experiences
I don't have any active JW family members, so no.
in a new york bethel minute
according to all jdubs, EVERYONE KNOWS it's the truth... especially those who have left, and EVEN MORE especially, APOSTATES. it's just incredible what they can convince themselves of. they don't seem to realise that it would be easier for most of us to just keep on keeping on in tha twoooth instead of risking being ostracized by everybody we care about... they can't seem to swallow the fact that we are taking the difficult path by not staying a part of something we don't believe in anymore
bethel minute
Nope...They know that I won't return and they know some of the reasons why. They recognize my right to believe as I wish and have said that they will respect that decision. My father (elder) doesn't have a problem with any issues I want to bring up. He will discuss anything. To test him...I told him that I felt that the JW's were acting as false prophets and gave him several reasons why. He didn't freak out.
What has happened though is that he no longer believes JWs will be the only ones to make it to "paradise earth". He believes the earth is very very old, and has even asked me the reason why I support the Darwinian view of evolution and what evidence is out there. He even told me that if what I have given him regarding the date for the fall of Jerusalem turns out to be WILL make a difference. What this specifically means, I don't know, but just the fact that he said it is a good sign.
Basically, we have agreed to disagree.
my mother is also convinced that so many of her kids are out of the truth is because she things we have grudges against certain people at the KH.
Well, my brothers and two of my sisters DO....but that is not why they left. She just thinks we are all pig headed and need to show more love in our sad. I don't know how many times I have to say I AM NOT BITTER with the elders at our hall, or the crappy way my family was treated by them. Seriously, I'm not...but my brothers and sisters are. I really, I can understand it.
I do feel bad for my mom many children, and only 2 that are in...oh well. I don't know what she thinks about me coming back. I think she gave up a few months before we moved when we had the "No matter what you say you won't convince me and I won't convince, so I won't discuss it with you any more mom" talk.
The last thing i maintained to the family i have left in is that i would never rule out going back, so i guess they still believe it. However since then ive been on this site and read Crisis of Conscience.... theres no way im going back now!
Hi Cordelia,
How about looking big eyes at dad and showing him the 'Paul Berry' case and how the WTBTS managed to spend $500,000 protecting a paedophile and say how shocked and horrified you are that any god loving org. could do such a terrible thing.
As for my parents, they're stupid enough, at the moment, to believe that I'll be back even though I told them exactly what I thought of the WTBTS and non of it is repeatable in respectablish company.
I even told them I'd rather drop dead right now than go to a KH and I didn't and couldn't even contemplate living forever with a bunch of dumb ass JWs, 'Kill me now', than do that!
They still don't seem to understand.!!!!!!!!
Well, if you can keep holding out for an Armageddon that isn't coming, and living forever under the direction of the WTBTS then your common sense has got to have gone walkabouts.
Black Sheep
For all my 30 odd years of being unbaptised drifted, they have hoped I would eventually see sense and start studying the Watchtower again.
Now that I have started studying the Watchtower you can see the fear in their eyes when I want to talk about it.
Except for my father. He is truly the blind led by the blind. He is incapable of reading or hearing anything that contradicts his faith in anything without translating it into what he wants to hear. He has looked me straight in the eyes and prostituted his Christian principles to protect his precious Whacktower. He sold his soul to the Devil and accused me of doing the same in the same breath.
He still has hopes for me.
I am sure that my parents still hope that I will go back.
I have been out for over 11 years, I have re-married to a wonderful man who has no interest in religion, and my life is full and rich and satisfied, but all they see is that now I don't have any "immorality" holding me back.
My MIL takes the magazines (just to be polite, I think), and told my mum, probably to demonstrate that she was not hostile to the JWs. My mum now thinks that all my in-laws will convert too.
Fortunately, the "come back to Jehovah" pleading doesn't happen very often, and it doesn't take long because I won't participate.
I do wonder what their attitude will be after our baby is born and is growing up. Shall we have a sweep on how old it is when they start trying to read "My Book of Bible Scaries" to it?
out of the box
Hope springs eternal
Sorry you would not escape this one in ANY religion! With Catholics, the whole family is saved if one becomes a nun or priest! It is like a season pass or something like that!
out of the box