does god listen to prayers?

by el jarocho mayor 46 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    I heard once that God accepts "knee-mail."

  • Tez

    Since I left the borg I can't pray... and I miss it, but I am totally confused about prayer, Jehovah, the borg. Maybe I just used to use it to talk to someone about all the things I can't talk to anyone else about... maybe my motives for prayer were wrong anyway... Maybe Terry is right and we are talking to ourselves, but I would like to think there is a God who listens, and that I could rabbit on to him whether he answers or not!

  • JH

    He doesn't listen to our prayers, because we aren't good dubbies

    Proverbs 15:8

    8 The sacrifice of the wicked ones is something detestable to Jehovah, but the prayer of the upright ones is a pleasure to him.

  • el jarocho mayor
    el jarocho mayor

    tez i'm like you right now.....confused about prayer

  • BrendaCloutier

    (( El J))

    I can understand the question, and the variety of answers you've received.

    I've vassilated(sp) myself on the subject for ... 40+ years! If there is a god, it certainly is a being/entity that is totally unimaginable to me. If there is a god with an agenda, it certainly doesn't let me, nor any other human know what that agenda is. It might not have anything to do with us, at all. I personally believe that if there is a god, it is not an entity to be worshipped, nor desires worship, if it has desire.

    Yet I do pray. I have prayed to other gods, to Jesus and Mary, Kwan Yin and other ascended masters for their help and guidance in specific areas. By doing so, what I feel I am doing is calling upon the qualities they represent, and in turn call them up within myself.... sort of as Terry said, praying to myself.

    Yet the responses I have received are beyond me. Coincidences. Coinci-gawds. That I cannot, and no longer try to explain.

    Terry, as far as praying to myself:

    I used to work in a software company that built and sold very complex database software (pre-SQL) with over 500 linked db files, written in their own language because the source tools at the time were inadequate. It was not uncommon for me to be seen wandering around the halls talking to myself... talking out the complex problem I was dealing with with arms flailing. I'd stop at a blank wall and draw out the problem with my finger. Look at what I'd drawn in my mind's eye, wipe it out and draw again; then wander the halls cogitating on what I had just processed.

    Along the way I'd find the solution to the problem I'd been working on. Sometimes I'd just get to the core question of the problem so I could take it to the Director of Development, or the President who was the original devloper (the only two I could go to with such complex issues) to get a solution.

    Some in the company thought I was nutz. But I was usually complimented by the Prez and the Dir of Dev, and later by the director of another product, because of my processing abilities, no matter the means.

    So, I suppose I was praying to myself

  • xjwms


    is nothing more than

    "self - hypnosis"

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    IMO, wondering if God has heard your prayer is the same as wondering if Santa read your wish list. But then I'm a cynical bastard.

  • hibiscusfire


    That's a BIG lie!!!


  • hibiscusfire

    Yes God anwers prayers....

    He decides what is best....the answer is yes or no.

    You cannot use God for your own convenience


  • Finally-Free


    That's a BIG lie!!!


    I don't think god is made in man's image. The god of the bible is far more sadistic than most men.


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