the question is does god listen...
if you believe in the existence of god then you will have no doubt that he can hear..the bible calls him the hearer of prayer...which must then mean he listens
but does he answer
well he didnt answer mine...and plenty other peoples...and yet some say he answered theirs..
so what is the determining some deserve an answer more than others..are some in a better relationship with they have greater faith...
the randomness of so-called answers to prayers would appear to say no
did i deserve an answer...i most surely did
did i have faith...most certainly
did i have a good the time no...but then plenty wrongdoers and 'unbelievers' have had their prayers 'answered'..
i had a phone call recently from an elder in my old kh who said maybe he was being 'directed' from god to speak to reply was if that were true then god would surely know that much as i appreciate your is not you that i need to hear from...and why would he wait until i had stopped praying to answer me when i was quite prepared to listen a while back when i was praying and before so much damage had been done to my faith
my family keep telling me well god knows all and will act in his own time...
this is no comfort...because it means he did hear and he did listen...and he did...nothing
i would rather believe he just didnt hear