50% Printing capacity Spin?

by metatron 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    Added to that, I think their conversion to paperback Bibles is a tactical error.

    Metatron - O' Contrar! IMHO.

    It might be logistical. The process to make paperbacks is significantly less labor intensive by nature. Basically it can be done in one process that starts at the start of the press with paper and ink, and ends at the end of attached bindery equipment with a finished product. The process is known commercially as 'perfect-bound'. I do not know if this is how Brooklyn does it precisely, since I have not toured there in decades. But no matter how it is done the cost of production is reduced, whether in a single system or seperate operations.

    The other thing is; Does anyone really want the NWT besides witnesses? I never found a great interest in the ministry for that Bible to start with. I think the change from green to black was an attempt to 'legitimize' the NWT that basically failed. And if I understand it correctly, the witnesses can still get the 'deluxe' Bible, just not for the public. [I could be amiss on that point, since I have seen it reported both ways on this forum.]

    The new paperback will prob be 'tacky' - but then most think it is 'tacky' as a hard bound. Just my thoughts.


  • mustang

    An accelerated attrition is the usual answer to such declines. But instead they are doing a knee-jerk reaction with the inertia of the non-profit organization.

    The question is when does reality catch up to the inertial response?

    There are companies in existence that DO SOMETHING, but it no longer resembles what they started out or were originally chartered to do.

    For example, everybody thinks Heathkit is dead and gone. A few years ago, I discovered that they were still doing business. I was looking for parts for an old instrument and discovered an ex-employee who had a warehouse full of their stuff and was doing business maintaining their old line of equipment. He informed me that the old buildings were gone, and that he had bid on large lots of their last inventory and got it. The original company had moved across town into smaller quarters. They were doing a reasonable business in selling a limited line of their instructional manuals into the "Education Industry".

    What if WTS eventually becomes a Real Estate office? Or a "land and cattle company"? Could it be that the "financial engine" finally evolves into just that, and that alone?

    Oops, they already are a "land and cattle company", but maybe it will become "official".


  • metatron

    I understand your point, paperback bibles are cheaper to make. Knorr must be rolling in his grave. He hated the thought of

    paperback books as of lesser quality, especially anything to study.

    They originally got some goofy idea that green was a symbol of life, ergo all their bibles should be green. After awhile

    they started to get complaints that their green bibles were flatly disregarded in the field because they didn't look authoritative

    - like nice King James volumes bound in leather.

    I think this process ends with only the Watchtower magazine and a few brochures being printed by them. It's just a money losing

    proposition - and the material within has really gotten tired. You really begin to wonder what they were so worried about in decades

    past when they actually bothered to react to the world around them, publishing books against evolution, books defending

    Bible authenticity and the like. Now, they don't have to put forth the effort - just repeat, repeat, ignore, ignore and preserve

    ritual habits like meeting attendance and 'putting in your time'. It's just so much easier.


  • cruzanheart
    The process to make paperbacks is significantly less labor intensive by nature.

    But what are the little old guys at the factory going to do, the ones that used to sit there day after day gluing in the little satin ribbon bookmarks in the "good" Bibles?


  • Elsewhere

    It was hinted that this is because some great increase is being prepared for.

    Oops! Just tipped their hand... you can tell this guy doesn't play poker.

    Basically what he is saying is that the vast majority of their literature is distributed to JWs and NOT to the public. He is saying that the extra 50% of literature will be received by the new JWs, not the public.

  • ColdRedRain

    Freedom is slavery, ignorance is freedom, and so on.

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