Vaginal Birth or Cesarean Section

by Dimples 59 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Rayvin

    All three were Vaginal.

    1st one- 7.5 - I went to the hospital at night and they put me to sleep and woke me up in the morning w/ pitocin around 6 am. I was given epidural around 8-8:30 am. She was born at 9.40am.

    2nd one- 9.5- went to the hospital in the evening was given a spinal that lasts only 2 hours. 2 hours and 30 min later she was born.. I felt her HUGE head come out of me!!! I didn't want to feel anymore pain so I pushed her so hard out of me that she was swollen and bruised.

    3rd one- 7.2- membranes were stripped at dr office. A few hours later went to hospital. They gave me my epidural and then around 5:15 pm they gave me "just a little" pitocin so as not to hurry it up to fast since the dr has a scheduled c-section to get to before me. At 5:35p I felt pressure. Called the nurse in and "wow, The baby is coming now" she ran out to fetch the dr.. luckily he hadn't made it in the c-section room yet.. he came in started putting his arms in his gown and at the same time said for me to go ahead and push.. "SPLASH!" out he came before the dr was completely covered. "you make this look easy" the nurses said. I personnally was just happy that it wasn't another 9lb baby!!!

    For me 3 is enough and the fact that now I have 2 girls and finally got my boy.. I am fine.

    Kids are now

    1st-7yrs old

    2nd-5 yrs old

    3rd- 10months

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    1st - girl 9lbs 4oz 21 inches She was 2 weeks late and was induced. I took the epidural but I think I might have been able to do without. They started the induction at 8 am and I went all day feeling nothing. The nurse would come in and ask if I was having a contraction and I would say "I don't know". So she would feel my belly and tell me that yes I was having a contraction. But there was no pain at all. By about 6pm they decided to break my water and within a half hour I had gone from 4cm to 10. Ok then it hurt and they had preped me for the epidural so I had that. She was born at 7:43 pm. I tore very badly and that took a long time to heal.

    2nd girl 7lbs 6 oz 20 inches. I went into labor around 4 1/2 months and was given meds to stop the contractions. Went into labor again at 6 1/2 months and was on total bedrest for 6 weeks. She was born at 36 weeks and was still pretty big. Dr said if she has gone full term she very well could have reached 10 lbs. I had an epidural. I barely remember having any pain but I know I did and it was worse than the first baby.

    After this birth I had a prolapse uterus - really prolapsed and Dr said I would probably never carry another to term. So after discussion with the elders and much "prayerful consideration" I had my tubes tied - a big no-no at the time. I recall we considered him getting fixed (yea right!!!) but we decided that if I died he might remarry and want more children but if he died and I remarried I still wouldn't be able to have any more babies so I was the one to go under the knife.

  • mrsjones5
    Isn't pitocin<sp> a form of midevil torture? I swear it is.

    Oh heck yeah! My last one was induced by pitocin and the contractions were much harder than with the first 3. I felt like my heart was going to stop!

  • Es

    I had a vaginal birth with my son. It was 6 hours of labour he came out 8pounds 14.


  • Gretchen956

    Because I'm not regular and don't keep track, the doctors had to guess at my due date. The first time I went in they told me I was due the end of July. About three months later they said no, it'll be the end of August. I had my son September 30th. Everyone thought I had the longest pregnancy on record, I thought I would NEVER have him!

    I really never have been the maternal type and childbirth scared me. All the time waiting I kept saying, can I change my mind? I asked the Doctor if I could have a C-Section. He said, no, you can't just ask for one of those you have to deliver vaginally unless there is something wrong. I told him, well I'm going to be in labor about 40 hours and you'll have to deliver him that way anyway.

    I was in labor 38 long excrutiating hours. Partway through they broke my water to try to help things. After about 16 hours I was trying to bear down but there was no baby coming out. They said he was trying to be born but that there was no room, I have an extremely small pelvis. So they decided to deliver him C-Section (I was off by 2 hours). I lost three pints of blood, but my son was born, all 9 lbs 11 oz of him, 21-1/2 inches. After he was born there was a circle impressed on his scalp where he was pushed up against the pelvis, it was well inside the head size, there was no way he could have been delivered. I was so thankful for the technology, a couple generations earlier and we both would have died in delivery.

    It was a long recovery and I never had another child. Actually neither me or my then husband wanted another one, he felt so strongly about it that he actually had a vasectomy. Since he was in his 20s at the time he really had some talking to do to convince them he knew what he wanted.

    My son will be 25 the end of this month, and is now 6' 2".

    My story is pretty rare, most deliveries come pretty easy in comparison (for you about to deliver). Don't let it scare you.


  • devinsmom

    Good, ol' fashioned regular way.

    I heard this commedian say, "My mother had a c-section, now I always feel like leaving the house through the window"...I though tthat was cute!


  • PaulJ

    I couldnt help but contribute to this. Ive got 4 kiddies and i was at the birth of all of them- all of which were natural-

    weights were-

    1st 8lbs 10oz

    2nd 7lbs 4oz

    3rd 8lbs 4oz

    4th 9lbs 12oz

    All were a bit overdue.

    Im so proud of them all!

    and..... yes im just 28.....

  • Mulan

    My fourth baby was born by C-section, an emergency because I had placenta previa and was bleeding heavily. He was six weeks premature and weighed less than 6 pounds..........large for a preemie.

    The other three were 10 pounds 4 ounces, 9 pounds 9 ounces and 9 pounds 5 ounces. I gave birth to them the old fashioned way, with no anaesthetic. It was a breeze. I had babies very easily..............except for the last one.

    The C-section was a very painful recovery, and a long recovery.

  • SamIam1976

    As long as we are swapping war stories here; both were born naturally...

    1st Boy weighed in at 7lbs 12 oz 21 1/2 inches long-- The morning I went in to have my little guy I couldn't sleep that whole night. I was up pacing the bedroom until 2am when my husband finally said, "please come to bed you are driving me crazy, woman!" LOL So, I finally laid down and dreamed that I was swimming in a water fall. I awoke in a pool of warm water! I never saw my husband get out of bed so fast. (haha) I called my parents who lived an hour away from us...called the doctor and went the 5 minutes to the hospital. It was 5am, Sean was born at 6:59pm Feb 9, 2001. I have never experianced so much pain in my life. Until his sister made her appearance:

    My 2nd was a Girl who weighed in at 6 lbs 18 inches long---This little peanut gave us quite the scare. I was considered a high risk pregnancy from day one because I had un-explained bleeding. I was put on bedrest for the last half of my pregnacy. As you ladies might know having a toddler doesn't involve anything pertaining to bed rest. So hubby and I had to put son into a daycare for the remander of my pregancy. Kaitlyn seemed to be quite comfy in her surroundings because we had MANY false alarms. They had to break my water and once that was done the contractions started coming on strong and fierce. I tried to go into the tub but couldnt get comfortable. I liked sitting on that big ball. Finally after 3/4 hours of hard labor I couldn't take it anymore. I called in the Epidural Doc! I honestly can't tell you what hurt worse, the contractions or that damn thing that was stuck in my spine! But it was a hell of a lot better getting the baby out with that because one push she was out. Unlike Sean who had to have the nurse get up on top of me and literally push his head out from between my pelvis. I endured his birth with no drugs at all. Thats why I elected for the epidural with Kaitlyn's birth. And we video taped her birth too. I have to tell you the recovery for my second was so much easier than the first. But now I have two gorgeous kids and loving every minute of it!!

    I do have a question for you ladies. I know I saw one post in this thread pertaining to tubes tied and pain. I am scheduled to have that done Sept. 30th. Can you tell me how painful the recovery is? And has it changed anything as far as your montly's are concerned? Just wondering.


  • kid-A

    yikes! This thread is enough to turn me off sex for the rest of my life!!!! LOL.

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