Interesting accidental circumstances

by Kent 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kent
    Interesting accidental circumstances

    Have anybody but me been wondering why so many people and new posters pop up from nowhere the last weeks, attacking all and everyone? I find this interesting; since it’s obvious the attackers do have a special agenda.

    Who are the ones being attacked, and what are the official reasons for the attacks? The ones attacked are people like Maximus, AlanF, Silentlambs, Farkel, myself and others – and the typical way of doing this is some kind of character assassination.

    It’s a typical method to go for the ball instead of the man. Accusing someone of being generally untrustworthy, not mentioning WHAT is the alleged “errors” being made. Hints of someone being drug-addicts, alcoholics, or generally a person with low morals, etc., that’s something ringing a bell. Where have I seen that before? The method is well known, and the black and white thinking is typical.

    It’s obvious that some people find it interesting and suitable to stir up as much trouble as possible. Smearing peoples name is typical, and the ones that constantly do this naturally do have a reason for their actions.

    What I do find interesting is the fact that quite a few people here seem unable to divide apples and bananas. I do agree some of us use foul language some times, like Farkel did in his thread. But why does that in any way change the value of his serious work? Aren’t his essays, where he spent hours and days investigating a subject, as valuable as before just because he was pissed off by some people and use some “bad” words in another context?

    It’s just like many hate-mails I get because of The Watchtower Observer. It’s “all lies” – without any reference to what is supposed to be a lie – and I never get any reference by replying and asking for such a reference. It’s the typical Watchtower black and white thinking, and I’m amazed so many people fall for this on this forum.

    What is even MORE interesting is the fact that the most spiteful people seems to be “good Christians”, with the “love for their next man” as a priority! Can anyone spell hypocrites?

    There is one thing we can all be sure of – the only ones having anything to gain from this quarrelling is the Watchtower and their goons. They can – rightfully, I might add – laugh about how easy it is to trick “the apostates”. Since there is some rather important things going on at the moment – if anyone should have missed it – I personally finds it a shame to let the Watchtower-goons have their way that easy.

    Maybe we should think twice before answering hateful postings, maybe we should think twice before we make the negative threads the most debated threads. Maybe we should deny the Watchtower the delight of making us look like idiots!

    Yakki Da


    "The only difference between a fool and the JW legal department is that a fool might be sympathetic ."

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • Francois

    I think you've made an excellent point, Kent. We do seem to be so predictable in our reaction sometimes. The point has been made that you become very much like the thing you hate - only in reverse. Is there any difference between a proton and an anti-proton? And who would want to go through life with no greater distinction than being an EX Jehovah's Witness?

    I've thought, too, that we provide the WT with the very ammunition they need to attack us. Look at the stuff from the WT in another recent post (disremember the name) that deals with so-called apostate's behavior toward one another. Of course, if we weren't giving them their ammunition, they'd make it up, but still we don't have to grease our own skids.

    There are many reasons why people on this site are so angry. Not the least of which is the fact that this cult, which promised so much to us beginning in infancy (for so many of us) ultimately delivered nothing but doctrinal instability, theological U-turns, failed prophecy, deadly policies, conditional love, hypocrisy, lies, and mind control. And people with the intelligence, the chutzpah, moxie, balls, to call a spade a spade and walk out in the teeth of the loss of family and friends are hardly shrinking violets.

    So when the mental midgets show up here and provoke any and all with their personal attacks, we obligingly show our worst.

    Doesn't that make us as automoton-like as we say the witnesses are? Haven't we become just like the thing we despise? Is there any difference between a proton and an anti-proton?

    Gandhi said that anger conserved could be transmuted into a powerful and irresistible force. He apparently had a point. Perhaps we should put as much of Gandhi's concepts of ahimsa and satyagraha into our challenges to WT hegemony as we can. Seems to have worked for him.

    Just a thought.


  • Tina

    hey Kent!
    I had been wondering about this. Thank you KEnt and Francoise for detailing it so very well! (I was hoping someone wwould mention this)
    hugs to both of ya!Tina

  • bboyneko 2
    bboyneko 2

    I reply to the hate messages for the benefit of the many, many lurkers who are watching the war from the sidelines.

    Kent, your doing a great job dont let this stuff discourage you. They dont realize they jus getting you madder and when your mad your dangerous :)

  • Billygoat


    Great post! I've been trying to put together my own post addressing the exact same thing. But you are so much more eloquent and succinct than I could ever be. Thanks for saving me anymore work!


    So when the mental midgets show up here...

    ROTFLMHO! Haha! Great description!

    Billygoat - appreciating everyone's hard work - keeps me on my toes!

  • belbab

    Hello Kent,

    I been following what's been going on. Like yappin' little terriers, snapping and barking and harassing a big German shepherd, finally, the big dog, exasperated, grabs one of the little boogers by the head and shakes the shit out of it and then flings it aside.

    Let me tell you a little true story, as objective as I can make it.

    Back in late fifties, there was number of court cases in Quebec City agains Duplessis and Bill 38 etc. Duplessis himself was on the stand for three hours. Covington was there, running the show, but he could only direct Glen How and another French speaking Jewish lawyer who was favorable to the Witnesses. Fred Franz was also there, to testify. At one point he was speaking quietly, leading his testimony along, when he concluded his argument in a loud voice with, "That is why the Roman Catholic Church is a WHORE"!

    I was congregation servant in Quebec City at that time and I ran a lot of errands for the WT team and was privy to a lot of things going on in the background. One of the opposing lawyers had a reputation for having a very hot temper, which was known to be detrimental to his case at times. The WT policy was to harass the shit out of him for a couple of days, innuendos against his professional conduct etc. At one time he got so mad he had to excuse himself from the courtroom, walked out with his face and neck all red with anger, and go out and cool off for fifteen minutes or so. THIS WAS DELIBERATE STRATEGY FROM THE WT LAWYERS! Finally this opposition lawyer, laid it down in no uncertain terms and demanded before the judge that if the WT lawyers, had any more complaints about his conduct then they should write a legal complaint to the bar association. After this the harassment ceased.

    Do you think that that the WT stategists, with their trolls planted on this board , would do any different to create anger, infighting, slander, foul language or any other number of ways to negate the powerful message being trumpeted here?

    belbab, marking those who smell and yell.

  • Kent
    Hi belbab

    THIS WAS DELIBERATE STRATEGY FROM THE WT LAWYERS! Finally this opposition lawyer, laid it down in no uncertain terms and demanded before the judge that if the WT lawyers, had any more complaints about his conduct then they should write a legal complaint to the bar association. After this the harassment ceased.

    Do you think that that the WT stategists, with their trolls planted on this board , would do any different to create anger, infighting, slander, foul language or any other number of ways to negate the powerful message being trumpeted here?

    This is exactly what I'm warning about, and we should all be aware of that. It just pisses me off when they succeed in such a stupid sceeme!

    I just got this mail:

    The attacks on began right after silentlambs announced
    the Berrys lawsuit against the Watchtower Society. They increased using
    obscene language and made personal attacks hoping to get evidence for the
    ISP to close down the entire board. They also lied some about the Rees case
    which is still alive in the federal court although it was denied in Maine's
    state supreme court, thinking that might discourage the Berry case. I
    believe you need to warn whoever owns that board.

    This is from a person who knows what's going on, and the warnings about "trolls" isn't just for fun. Please be aware of that, folks - and don't let us fall for their shit like the lawyer belbab was talking about!

    This DB is a pain in the ass of the friggin Witchpower.

    Let's keep it that way!

    Yakki Da


    "The only difference between a fool and the JW legal department is that a fool might be sympathetic ."

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • MadApostate

    This thread, including KrazyKent's two posts needs to be moved to the top and read by the entire board.

    "Rees is as dead as a doornail."--Maximus in my BERRY CASE EVALUATED thread.

    But that is only part of my complaint. KK's original post to start this thread is an obscene JOKE. It is the very people who he takes up for that has initiated the retalitory attacks by the people who KK condemns. It is amazing how people can flipflop reality. All one has to do is disagree with Farkel, AlanF, Kent or their groupies, and the whole bunch come running to each other's defense. KK complains of "character assassination", when the very first thing his clique do to someone with the guts to disagree with them is for them to label that person a WTS Troll.

    KrAzYkEnT is a bigtime hypocrit in this thread!!!

  • larc

    Kent, Francois, and belbab,

    Thank you for your well reasoned input. I do believe that the more we present clear objective facts to the lurkers, aplogists, and attackers, the more we further our common cause.

  • MadApostate


    If you could figure out how to give them an online blowxxx, you would probably do that too.

    Thanks for proving what I said above!

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