I was just wondering what is going to happen when the leaders at WT headquaters see that the Revelation grand climax book and the Pay attention to Daniel's prophecies book all prove false. Are they going to rewrite both books and call it "new light" and somehow say that they were wrong about the beast of revelation being the UN and now the UN will be considered holy? Are JW's going to have to praise the UN as from Jehovah and Jesus? I just see the WT society getting trapped into a corner and the whole organization crumbling. What are some of your thoughts on this subject?
What are JW's going to do with their "outdated" Rev book and Dan proph book
by booker-t 26 Replies latest watchtower bible
Are they going to rewrite both books and call it "new light"
That's what they've been doing for over a hundred years. Why stop now?
The FDS will outfit an expedition to re-measure the latest pyramids discovered and "jumping Jehosaphats Batman!" we have a new set of dates and NEW LIGHT!
I don't think it matters what they do because 'faithful ones' want to and will believe every change their WatchTower god, the Governing Body does in the name of the real God..
They`ll just change the doctrine gradually, carefully introducing "new light" in the WT-articles, little by little..("some of Jehovahs people have at times speculated in setting dates, but at that time, they didn`t have the correct understanding. However, we now bring a heart of wisdom in..." etc etc etc, blah blah blah). If they wanted to, the Wbts could make their followers believe the moon is made of swiss cheese, and Jehovah and Jesus lives there, but occasionally go on vacation to Mars, which is made of Norwegian goat cheese.
They are very talented (in a sick sort of way). And if I had their talent, boy would I be making money just like them.
Are they going to rewrite both books and call it "new light" and somehow say that they were wrong about the beast of revelation being the UN and now the UN will be considered holy?
That's what they've been doing for the last 100 years with great success..why stop now. All they'll have to do is change a few key words, repackage it up in a paper binder ( all they can now afford with sagging
salesuuhhh...errmmmmmmm...... donations....and violi"...another instant bestseller.With a new generation of dubs and old men doing every thing they can to hold onto their positions, they'll never know that they're studying the same old garbage over and again.
That's what they've been doing for the last 100 years with great success..why stop now.
Couldn't have said it better myself. LOL!!
I remember studying with a guy once from the Live Forever book. One part of the book we read I found that his copy and my copy had different wording, with basically conflicting meaning. It was then that I realized first hand that they can and do change books in later releases, without saying a word.
thom....It must've been the paragraph on Sodom and Gomorrah.
my "fleshly "brother {hahahahah}said he was looking at the revalation book the other day.He said"how could mom and dad make us study that shit".It is a strange and twisted publication.How can anyone look at it without thinking the GB are a bunch of wacko's!!!!!!!!!