*sigh* this yoke is not easy, nor is it light. But, for the sake of the listening audience, I labor on.....
Don't make a fool of yourself
by answering a fool.
But if you answer any fools,
show how foolish they are,
so they won't feel smart. Proverbs 26:4-5 CEV
OSO: BTW, the PM was an appeal to your reasoning.
ME: I don’t think so. I think it was a veiled threat. Please give me permission to post it, and we’ll get the board’s thoughts on the matter.
OSO Again, if you do not hold that scripture is factual
ME: Scripture to back that up?
OSO ‘Factual’ is a general assessment.
ME: You use the term “general assessment“? I worry about you. You do not even have a basic understanding of terms.
FACTUAL: When philosophers speak eg of a factual proposition or claim, they usually mean that it is true or false, especially that it is an EMPIRICAL or at least non-ANALYTIC truth or falsehood. Hence ‘Glasgow is the capital of Scotland’ is factual.
Based on this definition, what is “factual” about the bible? These are all factual statements:
1. There is a bible.
2. The bible is a compilation of many written works, composed over thousands of years.
3. There are various translations of the bible available.
4. There are also disputes as to which works should be included in the bible, and which excluded, though there are a core set of works that all have in common.
The following is not a “factual” statement, because there is no empirical way to back it up:
5. Every event described in the bible happened as written.
I think, OSO, you are confusing factual with faithful. Two completely different concepts.
ME: I am NOT pro-abortion. I am anti-bombers.
OSO: You compared the bombing of one abortion clinic to the continual terrorist bombings coming from Islam.
ME: No, I challenge your original statement, “I see no Christian terrorists strapping bombs to themselves” You obviously have blinders on. There are terrorist freaks, read the bible as you do, WHO CONSIDER THEMSELVES CHRISTIAN, and bomb.
This to me means that there is no magic covering over bible-believers. If followed blindly, or interpreted poorly, the bible can also be used as a tool for much evil. I maintain that the two laws must override all others; love God, love your neighbour as yourself. Those who favor a doctrine because “the bible says so” must test that doctrine against the fruit of the spirit. Does the doctrine lift people up, encourage them, teach them to love, reverence life? If not, the doctrine must be challenged.
ME: Oh Shining One, you HAVE elevated the bible to God-head, as you have consistently accused me of being godless for refusing to bow down to your god.
OSO: How can you selectively ignore the commands therein? How can you 'pick and choose', ignore context and ...
ME: You have already admitted that you selectively interpret scripture based on context and history.
OSO: Where do we learn about God and if the Bible...
ME: (as I’ve already said...) I am reasonably certain that Jesus' instruction got to us fairly intact.
OSO: ...side with Bible-bashers?
ME: Show me examples where I have sided with bible-bashers.
Here is another other bible command that we no longer follow today. Slaves be Obedient to your Masters Eph 6:5 Would Paul have predicted that slavery would be abolished?
b) What determines which commands are mandatory, and which are discretionary?
c) By what criteria have you decided that obeying these bible commends are evidence of cult-like obedience, yet other bible requirements are mandatory?
d) Is it "independent thinking" to chose to ignore certain bible commands?
e) How do you justify your inconsistency?