'Questions from Readers'--made up?

by rebel8 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • rebel8

    This thread got me thinking: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/98014/reply.ashx

    Would it be wrong for a Christian to use wind chimes in his or her home?

    My theory about these stupid "questions from readers" articles is there is rarely or never an actual question submitted by a reader. Rather, these are probably "questions" made up by the WT writing staff so they can discuss a topic they feel like discussing.

    My theory about the writings of this and that being "conscience matters" is to intentionally suggest that there could be something wrong with whatever is being discussed. For example, if nothing had ever been mentioned in the literature about wind chimes, few or no JWs would ever remove them from their homes because they'd think there was no reason to. Suggesting it's a "conscience matter" gives the individual JW the idea there is something wrong with it and also gives them the opportunity to raise themselves in the KH pecking order by being one who goes to the max to be "righteous".

  • Finally-Free

    I'm sure these questions are made up by readers of the watchtower - certain readers - such as the writing committee. I wonder if they would publish my question if I submitted it?

    Why did the Watchtower Society behave like a skanky crack whore by fornicating with the wild beast of Revelation (the UN)?


  • Confession

    Here's mine...

    "Since oral and anal sex is wrong, would it be "unclean" for my wife to stick her finger in my ass during sex? And would it be doubly unclean if she did it while sucking my c*ck?"
  • stevenyc

    It wouldn't surprise me. Most newspaper, 'ask auntie jane' type questions are made up.


  • blondie

    Years back they were sent in by rank and file JWs. But in recent times, the WTS uses the QFR to clarify "misunderstandings" of doctrine to to discuss topics that they wish to keep out of the study articles and articles non-JWs might read.

  • rebel8

    Why did the Watchtower Society behave like a skanky crack whore by fornicating with the wild beast of Revelation (the UN)?


  • AlmostAtheist

    I think Ray Franz commented on this in CoC. The GB met, discussed something, and decided to print it as a "letter from readers". You can imagine the crazy volume of mail they must get -- tons of "we love you" mail, lots of whacko-nutjob mail, lots of "I'm annointed and I think..." mail -- there would be no shortage of letters that at least brushed against what they wanted to talk about.


  • rebel8

    Do they actually read all the mail I wonder?

  • AlmostAtheist
    Do they actually read all the mail I wonder?

    As a faithful dub, I wrote a letter asking a question. I don't remember what the question was. I also sent them a contribution. A few weeks later I received a letter thanking me for my contribution, but not addressing my question at all. I resolved from that point that I would never mail a question and a contribution at the same time. I got answers to the questions I sent them when I didn't include a contribution. From my experience (very limited, nothing to base much on), I concluded that they were shucking out checks and cash from envelopes and throwing the letters with them away. Only the ones without cash were being read. Dave

  • Eyebrow2

    When I was like 11 or 12, I wrote the WTS..something about wanting to do more and asking for advice blah blah blah (gag me...to think about it today hahah).

    I got a letter a month or two later, commending me for being active yadda yadda, and directing me to my local elders for more assistance. A few bible scriptures thrown in yadda yadda.

    But they did answer.

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