'Questions from Readers'--made up?

by rebel8 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terry

    You want to hear my personal theory about letters from readers?

    I think it is the CAUSE of every "new light" policy change.

    The assault of reality in the form of letters from the rank and file sometimes washes away the entrenced stance on certain issues

    which affect the rank and file.

    It comes to a crisis point (tipping point) and change becomes vital.

    Too much intrusion of OTHER points of view can snap even the most somnambulistic Anointed out of their stupor long enough to

    see the train wreck result of their ideology once and a while.


  • stillajwexelder

    There was a thread about this 15 months or so ago. The question was posed "QUESTIONS FROM READERS -OR QUESTIONS FROM WRITERS?"

    The concensus of the board was that the questions from readers was really questions from the writers

  • el jarocho mayor
    el jarocho mayor

    i wouldnt be surprised if that is the case

  • Leolaia
    *** w96 9/1 p. 21 Living by the Law of the Christ ***

    Others tend to turn the Society’s suggestions and guidelines into rules. For example, in the March 15, 1996, issue of The Watchtower, there was a fine article encouraging elders to make regular shepherding calls on congregation members. Was the purpose to establish rules? No. Although those who are able to follow the suggestions find many benefits, some elders are not in a position to do so. Similarly, the article "Questions From Readers" in the April 1, 1995, issue of The Watchtower cautioned against detracting from the dignity of the occasion of baptism by going to extremes, such as wild partying or staging victory parades. Some have carried this mature counsel to extremes, even making a rule that sending an encouraging card on this occasion would be wrong!

    The last example is interesting because it pretty much states explicitly that a QFR article planted the very idea (rightly or wrongly) that sending congratulation cards for friends' baptisms is sinful or wrong.

  • Leolaia

    *** w95 4/1 p. 30 Questions From Readers ***


    attitude should be displayed at Christian baptisms?

    That is an interesting question, for even though many of our readers are already baptized, they are involved, as are those who undergo baptism. Let us first comment on those who get baptized, undergoing complete immersion. What should their attitude be?

    At Matthew 28:19, 20, Jesus told his followers to go and make disciples of people, teaching and baptizing them. He did not present baptism as a highly emotional experience, an act springing out of momentary excitement. It is a serious step, as we see from Jesus’ example. Luke 3:21 says: "Jesus also was baptized and, as he was praying, the heaven was opened up." Yes, our Exemplar took baptism seriously, prayerfully. We cannot imagine him, after coming up out of the water, making a victory sign, letting out a whoop, or pumping his arms in the air, though recently some have done things like that. No, with only John the Baptist present, Jesus turned to his Father in prayer.

    The Bible does not, though, suggest that baptism must be a somber or grim event, calling for special postures or recitation, as some churches in Christendom require today. Why, think of the day of Pentecost, when thousands of Jews and proselytes underwent Christian baptism. They had already studied God’s Law and come into a relationship with him. So they simply needed to learn of and accept the Messiah, Jesus. Once they did so, they could be baptized.

    Acts 2:41 reports: "Those who embraced his word heartily were baptized." The Bible version by Weymouth reads: "Those, therefore, who joyfully welcomed his word were baptized." They found joy in the exciting news about the Messiah, and certainly that heartfelt joy spread to the baptism itself, a baptism in front of hundreds upon hundreds of happy observers. Even angels in heaven were observing and rejoicing. Recall Jesus’ words: "I tell you, joy arises among the angels of God over one sinner that repents."—Luke 15:10.

    There are various ways in which each of us can reflect both the seriousness and the joy of a baptism. In some churches those getting baptized wear white robes or black ones. There is simply no Scriptural support for such a requirement. Still, very skimpy or revealing bathing outfits would be inappropriate, whether for men or for women. And as noted, upon coming out of the water, the new Christian should not make special gestures or carry on as if he had won a great victory. The rest of the Christian brotherhood are happy that the new one got baptized. He should sense that this demonstration of faith is but an early step in the long course of integrity to gain God’s approval.--Matthew 16:24.

    We, as observers at a public baptism, share in the joy of the occasion, especially if the one getting baptized is a relative or someone with whom we studied the Bible. To share fully, however, we ought to listen to the entire discourse with the candidates, hear them publicly answer the questions presented to them, and join in the prayer. Doing so will help us to keep the actual baptism in perspective; we will have God’s view of it. After the act of baptism, our joy does not require a victory parade, a bouquet of flowers, or a party honoring the one baptized. But we could approach our new brother or sister to express pleasure over the wonderful step taken and to extend a very warm welcome into our Christian brotherhood.

    In summary, then, all of us, including those who submit to water immersion, ought to treat baptism with appropriate seriousness. It is not a time for outbursts, for partying, or for hilarity. But neither is it a somber or grim time. We can rightly be glad that new ones have joined us on the way to everlasting life. And we can joyfully welcome our new brothers and sisters.

  • upside/down

    Terry...please....use "laymans" terms damnit!


  • Smiles

    The WT tampers with the "Questions from Readers" because all of the questions are written with proper grammer and in perfect JW lingo, just like the questions in the WT study articles.

    When most people send questions to the WT their questions are more complicated and not worded that way.

  • tijkmo

    i remember on occasions when 'new light' was included in a wt study article...and in the back of the same wt was a qfr discussing the same material but in a simplified way...presented as if someone was enquiring based on the reading of the article in the same wt

    im quite sure it was the generation or ressurection or sheep and goats or standing in a place where it ought not to be standing articles but i cant be bothered going to look

    this is unnessercary dishonesty...since just a few weeks later there was bound to have been genuine letters from readers asking for clarification

  • rebel8

    U/D....... somnambulism = sleepwalking (somnus=sleep, ambulare=walk) IOW he's saying the GB are zombies, LOL.

    Leolia...that is truly one of the funniest articles I've ever read!!! I totally cannot picture JWs doing the "raise the roof" gesture, making the "victory" sign, letting out a whoop, having victory parades (huh?), having wild parties.......come on now!!! Who does that? Richie Rich, do JWs do that stuff?

    I did get a corsage on my dunking day. My jw mother is toxic/mean/insane. The corsage was one of the few nice things she did for me......ever. Oh, and I got to go out to a deli for lunch instead of having a soggy sub and 3rd world brand cola at the convention lunch counter, with a cheese danish for dessert that had been sitting at room temperature so long it became a blue cheese danish. But anyways, what would be wrong with giving someone a bouquet of flowers? How in the world could that be wrong? Freaks.

    It is funny the QFR contradicts the article too. Basically....."literature doesn't make rules" then goes ahead and makes rules. Rebel8, of the "good thing I took that medical terminology class" class

  • Robdar

    Yep. They have to be made up. Just like most of the WT crap that is spewed from Brooklyn on a daily basis.

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