'Questions from Readers'--made up?

by rebel8 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Honesty

    My QFR is, "Since the new Service Year has just commenced is the WTBTS willing to print an 'accounts report' on all donations received during the past Service Year"?

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    Rebel8, your description of the celebrating newly baptized JW "raising the roof" cracked me up. But more importantly you brought back searing memories of early morning danishes and orange juice cups. Oh how I looked forward to the Apple danishes. They were always more popular than the cheese and you had to get there early to secure one for yourself. Does any one else remember buying their danish with tickets?

  • tijkmo

    yup i remember danishes..(danishi?)

    i didnt have to queue though..i was a buffet captain..i made sure all my staff got their choice set aside before it ran out...(staff included me)

    i also remember being at a convention in new york and watching the baptism..and thinking..if this is it toned down..as per the qfr mentioned earlier..then goodness knows what it must have been like before

  • Billygoat
    our joy does not require a victory parade, a bouquet of flowers, or a party honoring the one baptized

    When I got baptized in Honolulu (in the mid/late 80's), it was customary to get a lei of flowers when you came out of the water. I have a picture with several of my girl friends (we all got baptized together) and we all have leis, balloons and other gifts. We also had a large dinner party the following weekend. I wonder if that's stopped?

  • ballistic

    What about "Young People Ask?" - do you think it's really "The Old Cronies Ask questions they think Young People Should Ask"

  • Leolaia

    Billygoat....Did you get baptized at Waikiki Beach? That's where my mom got dipped. A pretty nice place to do it, I might add.

    I remember going to one person's post-baptism party at a house in Waikiki. I have no idea whose it was....it was so long ago. I just remember watching the movies "Enemy Mine" and "PeeWee's Big Adventure" at this party.

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