The 1914 Doctrine and The Threat of the Egibi Business Tablets

by VM44 349 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ackack

    I wasn't attempting to criticize the feeding of trolls. Its just that I personally find Scholar's logic to be tiring just reading it, I can't even imagine how you people who respond to him get by. Maybe you have some kind of protein bar or energy shake.. who knows.

    Scholar: do you have a king list yet?


  • Jeffro

    Thanks Seymour,

    Unfortunately that table is neither complete, nor convincing. An appropriate table will list the starting points and lengths of reign of each king with no significant gaps.

  • Jeffro


    Its just that I personally find Scholar's logic to be tiring just reading it

    Personally, I'm yet to find 'scholar's' logic.

  • SeymourButts
    SeymourButts don't honestly think he is genuine do you?

  • Jeffro
    you don't honestly think he is genuine do you?

    The real question is, "does he?"

  • scholar


    I will respond to your post 435 Thursday night

    scholar JW

  • VM44

    The reason I give so much weight to the Egibi business tables is that they are contemporary LEGAL CONTRACTS! They had to be accurate as money was involved between two parties.

    The Egibi bankers made sure what was written on the tablets was accurate, and you had the other party with whom the Egibis were doing business also making sure what was written was accurate. The amounts of money involved, and the dates for the beginning and end of the loan period, would be carefully checked by each of the two parties, and any mistakes found would be corrected.

    And there are HUNDREDS of these business tables! The Egibi tables also show transactions that took place during each reign of the Neo-Babylonian kings, and even into the reign of Cyrus and beyond

    Thus the problems that are raised with Ptolemy's kings list, that it was written hundreds of years later, that the list was based upon data from the Selucid period, that names on the list could have been altered, and so on...cannot be raised with the Egibi tablets.

    The relative reigns for the Neo-Babylonian kings can be determined just by recording the dates inscribed on each tablet and then making a histogram chart. From such a tabulation it will be apparent that there are no business tablets made for some unknown "missing" king that ruled for 20 years between two of the "known" kings.

    The above implications of the Egibi tablets is the reason I state firmly that The Watchtower will not research, or mention in print, anything at all about them, even though the tablets were found over a hundred years ago! It is a classic example of ignoring any data that might show one's beliefs are incorrect and have to be changed.


  • scholar


    1. Fact. Needless to say celebrated WT scholars are quite correct in selecting 539 as a pivotal date for the purposes of chronology. It is a well attested date and is an event mentioned biblically and secularly. This date is the best possible candidate over all other candidates.

    2. Fact. Jeremiah 25:12 specifies that the oracle of judgement against Babylon would begin after the seventy years ended after the release of Jewish exilers in 537. That judgement was foretold to be one of progression from that time which led to the complete desolation of Babylon in the course of history.

    3. Fact. Although the Hebrew words have a range of meaning but the context of those denunciations carry specific metaphors thaty describe the land as a complete waste without an inhabitant. The texts claearly indicate that only a complete desolation of the land for seventy years is what Jeremiah prophesied. Exiles from other areas apart from Judah were taken along to Babylon. When the entire seventy yeras texts are considered as a whole then aspects of desolation. servitude and desolation is the only interpretation that works.

    4. Fact Scholars cannot detrmine when the Assyrian World Power ceased. A range of dates is given in many refernce works which proves the impossibility of the seventy years beginning from such an elusive beginning.

    5. Fact. Luke 21:24 has the expression 'being trampled' which is a Periphrasitic Future or a Future passive participle denoting a durative future. This means that the action of trampling had already begun before our Lord made this comment in 33 CE about Jerusalem

    Your chronology is not based on the Bible because it relies on secular records at the expensee of the biblical record which proves a gap of twenty years between both methodologies.

    Fact. Jeremiah's prophecy proves that the seventy years was of desolation of the land with the exiles deported to Babylon and during that time of exile they would be in service to that power until they were restored home.

    Fact. The seventy years of Tyre were of domination to Babylon for a indefinite period less than seventy years. This period was not identical to those seventy yeras addressed to Judah, Jererusalem and its people.

    Fact. WT publications are in perfect agreement that the seventy years were of exile-desolation- servitude which fulfilled the prophetic and historical facts and it is only celebrated WT scholars that are blessed spiritually with this timeless truth which leaves the apostates gnashing their teeth in spiritual darkness.

    scholar JW

  • ackack

    Scholar: I don't understand. How is 539 attested to biblically?


  • scholar


    The Fall of Babylon in 539 is attested biblically because the Bible not only foretells that event but also desribes the event in detail. This is the only pivotal date that is descriptive of an event which took place for other pivotal dates are not mentioned in the Bible but are simply based on secular records for a certain year for a certain king etc.

    scholar JW

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