Has anyone still have the hope..................

by defd 107 Replies latest jw friends

  • defd

    I am not trying to justify ANYTHING. I am giving you my honest thoughts.

  • ozziepost


    OK - poor choice of words!

    Still, just as you are giving your honest thoughts, well so am I. You can't know how honest I'm being! It was what both Mrs Ozzie and I saw at first hand at the very centre of things downunder Watchtower-wise that caused Mrs Ozzie to see the WTS for what it really is. I'd known for some time and was going through agonies while serving in my administrative role, yet knowing what i knew 'on the inside'. For me it was the failure of those who lead the WTs to explain to me the nature of christ that was the last straw, but for Mrs Ozzie it was seeing the abusive nature of those who control the WTS and its congregations.

    I can honestly say that i wish you would consider what you've read in response to your threads these past couple of days.


  • BrendaCloutier
    Whats with all the deep and meaningful questions here dfed are you like counting time by preaching to us.

    ES, he may be counting time, but it shows me that he is also thinking outside of the Kingdom Hall! This is a good thing.

  • Honesty

    I just left Will you? NO defd

    You may be there in body and emotions, defd but you have already distanced yourself mentally from the WTBTS. It is obvious by the change in tone of your posts in recent weeks that something is taking place within you. Could it be that you are at the point of, or already have accepted Jesus as your only hope for salvation (eternity with Jesus by trusting and rejoicing in Him and His blood that cleanses you rather than being eternally separated from Him of sin that can not be removed except by accepting Jesus as your personal Savior and Lord) instead of looking to an organisation that has taken His place for millions of JW's?

    Defd, I had a life-changing experience in November 2004 that has re-shaped my view of God. When I reflect on that experience, I realise that I wasn't living life to its full potential of fulfilling God's purpose that mankind bring honor and glory to Him. My heart was empty and I wasn't pleasing God with the choices I had made. My life has taken on new meaning since that experience. My heart is is filled with joy and gratitude of being truly alive for the first time in my life. I am also completely convinced that should I die today, I will spend eternity in heaven with Jesus just as the sinner beside Him on Nisan 14 when He was crucified. I now ask you, defd, "In your personal opinion, what do you understand it takes for a person to go to heaven"?

  • defd

    It is obvious by the change in tone of your posts in recent weeks that something is taking place within you. Could it be that you are at the point of, or already have accepted Jesus as your only hope for salvation (eternity with Jesus by trusting and rejoicing in Him and His blood that cleanses you rather than being eternally separated from Him&of sin that can not be removed except by accepting Jesus as your personal Savior and Lord) instead of looking to an organisation that has taken His place for millions of JW's?

    Honesty From the 1st time I studied with the witness and at the time of my Baptism I had ALWAYS understood and excepted Jesus as my only hope for salvation. Never once did i think Salvation came from or is possible by an organisation. I know that the WTBTS is only a PUBLISHING Company Used by the FDS for Spiritually feeding us.

  • Honesty
    Honesty From the 1st time I studied with the witness and at the time of my Baptism I had ALWAYS understood and excepted Jesus as my only hope for salvation. Never once did i think Salvation came from or is possible by an organisation. I know that the WTBTS is only a PUBLISHING Company Used by the FDS for Spiritually feeding us.

    That's great, defd.

    Do you believe and concur with that everything the WTBTS publishes in the WatchTower and Awake magazines is from Jehovah?

  • Honesty

    Or do you pick and choose what you decide to believe and agree with in the magazines?

    P.S. I am sorry I hit the Enter button too soon.

  • defd

    i know that Someone has to HEAR what the spirit is saying in order to be directed by it.

  • Honesty
    I know that Someone has to HEAR what the spirit is saying in order to be directed by it.

    I agree with you completely on this.

    However, do you agree that everything the WTBTS publishes in the WatchTower and Awake magazines are coming from Jehovah or do you pick and choose what you agree with and believe from the publications?

  • defd

    do you pick and choose what you agree with and believe from the publications? No I do not

    do you agree that everything the WTBTS publishes in the WatchTower and Awake magazines are coming from Jehovah YES. As long as they HEAR what his Spirit is saying.


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