defd:I've just been catching up on the night's threads and so have just read your experience:
I sadly agree with you. In my Congregation it is the same way. One time i was talking to an Elder and he made a statement about Jehovah Judging usin the end. I interupted and said, No, brother, Jesus will Judge us. He then said you know what i mean! which i did know what he meant. But I told him that is why alot of people dont think we believe in Jesus because we do not give him credit where his credit is due.I gotta tell ya that this is precisely how i started having my eyes opened! I found in our congregation there was one brother, a zealous person who both pioneered regularly and actually loved his Bible, who was the only one who reasoned the way you did.
It was the failure of the WTS to satisfatorilly deal with my questionsd on the nature of Christ that led me to believe that it's not "the Truth" that it boasts to be.
I hope you think long and hard about why it is that "the brothers" fail to give due "credit" (as you put it) to Christ. Why do you think it's so?
Defd this comment stood out to me too. You are a rare person inside the JW organisation who gives Jesus the honour he is due. I completely agree with what Ozzie replied upon it. I really urge you to keep studying thing. Keep examining things. James Thomas and Ozzie both have given you some things to give serious consideration. I urge you to do it. I have a lot of hope for you. Miss Peaches.