This is a new idea that I will keep it going if it generates enough interest. Some JW's, especially loyal followers who take each magazine as gospel, adjust their temperament according to the latest WT article. It might be helpful to those of us with JW relatives or partners to access to the theme-of-the-week. Here's and easy chart to keep you prepared, forewarned, and tailor your own response.
The first line is the date of the magazine, the date studied at the KH, and the title of the article.
The second line, indented, are my own comments. Suggested responses are in italics.
WT Mag. Date Stud. Title
Theme-of-the-Week Forecast
2005/08/15 2005/09/18 Will You Reflect God's Glory?
Do-more guilt fest. Expect a brief revival in field service.
2005/08/15 2005/09/25 Christians Reflect the Glory of Jehovah.
People reject JW teachings because of they are rigid and unteachable. Not a good week to pick a fight.
2005/08/15 2005/10/02 A Law of Love in Hearts
Love-more guilt fest. To love is to obey. The best way to love our neighbours is to share in the Kingdom-preaching work. Good time to negotiate with your JW partner.
2005/09/01 2005/10/09 Walk with God in These Turbulent Times
Faith-more guilt fest. The world is on it's last legs. Block the news channel.
2005/09/01 2005/10/16 We Shall Walk in The Name of Jehovah our God
Faith-more guilt fest. People are losing their sense of urgency. Avoid any big "materialistic" purchases this week.
2005/09/15 2005/10/23 TBA
2005/09/15 2005/10/30 TBA
2005/10/01 2005/11/06 "Keep on the Watch" - The Hour of Judgement Has Arrived!
Based on the convention brochure. People are losing their sense of urgency. Watch for signs of urgency-exhaustion. Time to suggest a little fun.
2005/10/01 2005/11/13 Parents - What Future Do You Want for Your Children?
What is the value of Higher Education? Not much, apparently. Great anti-witness article. Copy and distribute to all your friends and neighbours.