Did You Believe The "End" Would Come In Your Lifetime?

by minimus 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • kwintestal

    Yes, I believed it. I remember in 1991 when the Gulf War started, I thought "This is it." but that was more my parents playing it up then me (a 12 year old kid) actually thinking that. I KNEW that by 2000 the New System would be here, and if it wasn't ... well I'd leave. I really showed Jehovah, didn't I!


  • RubaDub

    Certainly !

    It's coming in 1975. Why would you ask such a question.

    Rub a Dub

  • blondie

    Never did, would come at a time I thought not.

    I never joined the 1975 bandwagon and pointed out why it could not be. A new study article is coming up that emphasizes the scriptures about not knowing the day or the hour. Now why would the WTS be stressing that now?

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    Oh boy did i!!

    Without question.Then in 1995 all that changed and i realised it was bollocks.

    I was stunned.More so when no-one i knew batted an eyelid.

  • BrendaCloutier

    Yes. I did. 1975 the end of the 6000 years since Adams creation, and Eve not far behind. I developed survivalist attitudes as a child and a teen, designing underground houses with in-floor heating and running water! Even after my rapid fade, my husband and I were avid Mother Earth News subscribers and readers. There is still a thread of survivalist in me.

    I still think that worldwide life and society - as we know it - could still undergo a major/drastic change within my lifetime. Big A. I think not. Just part of Earth's and Universes' cycles.

  • Junction-Guy

    Yes I did, even though I didnt want to believe it I did. I never could save money or plan for a future because Dad told us there was no future in "this old system" I figured that if it went any past 1994 then it was only a matter of borrowed time. I would have still believed this crap had it not been for the internet in 1997 when I discovered they had changed the 1914 generation doctrine back in 1995. My whole course of life was altered by my impending destruction. At a time when I should have been planning for a career and marriage and home ownership, I was apathetic and only lived for the moment. I never planned on any normal thing of life, and while all the other kids were discussing their future plans, I just sat back in a corner all depressed. I wonder if there's anybody on this planet who despises the WT Society as much as I do? It robbed me of so much, it robbed me of my youth-which is unreplaceable. It robbed me of peace of mind. It robbed me of my self esteem, It robbed me of my family, It robbed me of the simple carefree lifestyle that children should have. It robbed me of having a real Dad, instead of the WT Robot he is. But by gosh Im having the last laugh every time I picket a kingdom hall. I was not prepared for real life, and real life bit hard. The only thing I was taught to prepare for was Armageddon. Im just so thankful that I never got baptized, it would have been 100 times worse.


  • mrsjones5

    No but I believe an earthquake would

  • minimus

    Don'tcha feel stooopid?

  • undercover

    As a kid, I was scared of Armageddon and hoped it would not come, but as I got older, I started believing that it wouldn't come. I can't explain it, but even though I said it in talks and preached it at the door, deep down inside, I knew better. It wasn't a cognitive thought, but a deep, underlying suspicion of some kind.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    I remember 1975 vividly. I bought into it line, hook and sinker, as many others did. NOTHING HAPPENED!

    I remember the early to mid-80s vividly. Once again, my family and I bought into it wholeheartedly. NOTHING HAPPENED!

    I remember the mid to late 90s vividly. Yet once more, all of us JWs bought into the hype big time. NOTHING HAPPENED!

    Lately, the WBTS is making believe once more all its members that this New System is coming yesterday. I mean, they're all in such a frenzy these days! NOTHING WILL HAPPEN ONCE AGAIN!

    I've given up the dream. Soon I shall make it official.


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