Did You Believe The "End" Would Come In Your Lifetime?

by minimus 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • peggy

    Does anyone remember when the GREEN SURVIVOR book was released? I thought that was it! They had a plan for us to SURVIVE! LUCKY US!


  • FlyingHighNow
    Like Flyinghighnow I was really disappointed.

    Hey, Dan.

  • Reefton Jack
    Reefton Jack

    When I got involved with the WTS Madness in the late 1960's, it would have been impossible not to believe that the end was "just around the corner."

    There are those now from those times who say that they never believed it. At the time, though, I can never recall actually hearing anyone saying that:

    - to do so would had you labelled as "Immature."


    As a fourth generation witness and being taught this from babyhood up...yes I did believe it. I wanted to believe it and wanted it to happen more than anything in the world. And boy did I put a lot of time and effort into doing my part. Lots of pioneering and getting the message out there, but the one thing that I never believed was that God was going to destroy all these people just because they didn't listen to us. I grew up, got married, and taught this to another generation...my children. In 1995, when they came out with the "new light" about the generation, that was the beginning of the end for my immediate family members. We just could not accept that after believing and teaching for years about the generation of 1914. About the same time, my mom and brothers started having the same feeling. My mom is 80 years old and mad as hell about her wasted life...she is so apologetic to us for teaching us this stuff (and all the things that we missed out on as kids) but we try to reassure her it's not her fault. The Watchtower bears the blame for that and for all the lives they have ruined with all their unfullfilled prophecy's. Within just a few years of each other, we all just sort of faded. One of by brothers was disfellowshipped for his stand on the U.N. issue. Two of my brothers have 25 years of full-time service between them...special pioneers, etc. We all feel betrayed, but have gone on with our lives and have put it behind us for the most part. I don't think it will ever not haunt our thoughts occasionally, but that's o.k. we'll just deal with it and go forward.


  • window man
    window man

    yes i for one looked at 91 invasion with absolut confidence this was it u would think after 86 years after my late gramma found the( truth) i would be unalarmed but i was and i stayed with it till 2000 i guess when yah fall in a vat of crap -------------- well im free know the only regret i have now is my boy is still stuck in that crap but in time i know he,ll be free

  • eyeslice

    BluesBrother sums it up for me. That's why we worked so hard for the organisation, many of us for very many years.

  • dh

    not really

  • Blueblades

    Yes! That "CARROT" was what kept us going. Love for Jehovah was based on that "CARROT".Self preservation was on the minds of all the witnesses back then. All the numbers, increases, proved it to be true that the "End" would come in our lifetime.


  • NewYork44M

    I was 18 y.o. in 1975, thus a high school graduate that year which, for most people is a significant year. For the youth raised in the "truth" looking forward to your graduation year brought on new meaning. I remember growing up listening to all the propaganda about 1975 and how the GT was going to be horrible and that we would probably die while being persecuted. I used to worry if I was going to be strong enough to endure the persecution. I also understood the party line that even if you died you would be resurrected. However, I would be without a penis - Remember there is no marriage for those who are resurrected. (What a fucking way to grow up). This may explain why I married at 19 y.o. I wanted to have sex before Armageddon.

    I believed everything until the early 90s. The king of the north passed away and it just did not seem possible that everything could take place before the passing of the 1914 generation. That is when I decided to really investigate what I had been told which was the beginning of the end for me.

  • hamsterbait


    I have read your first posts. Either you were a very good actor, or you believed it all kitten and Kaboodle!!

    HB (of the "naughty wee Min" class)

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