I would far rather have a high chance of being mugged than a high chance of being shot.
As for the link between high levels of gun ownership and a high murder rate... nah... but I used to think so too.
However, there ar4e countries with near-equal levels of gun ownership or access with murder rates a fraction of the US's, and those countries with medium rates of gun ownership don't plot on a straight line if you compare them to the USA, they normally have far lower deaths per gun.
Also, if you go back historically, say to 1905, you will find at a time when London and New York had virtually identical gun laws, NYC had a 5 x higher gun death rate.
The only countries which exceed the USA's murder rates are those with extreme social problems.
The inference for this is that the USA has a high murder rate due to social problems, and the stats on social inequality bear this out. However, when one compares the USA to developed countries with levels of poverty and social inequality as high or close to the US's (like the UK), then again one finds that the USA is far more murderous.
Basically trying to put high levels of gun deaths in the USA to any one cause (availability, soicial inequality, etc.) will fail as it is not as simple as that. It's a combination of factors, one of the strongest of which is the existence of a social underclass that TEND to come (but are not always) from a racial minority, and their disenfranchisement and alienation from mainstream society.