Scholar, please don't post and run...

by in a new york bethel minute 99 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • littlerockguy


    Thanks. I have that very copy and will read it.

  • Hellrider


    You are plain wrong because the seventy years according to the Bible and confirmed by Josephus was a period of desolation of the land, Jerusalem and its temple and clearly that only occurred in Zedikiah's 11 th year and Neb's 18 th year whic is the date 607. Josephus agrees with the findings of celebrated WT scholars.

    Wrong, wrong, wrong! However it is that your WTS has twisted and changed the chronology of both the Babylonians and the Jewish kings, to fit the 67-claim, this doesn`t change the fact that Zedekiahs 11th year was in 587, the same as Nebchadnezzars 18th. Check out this jewish website, they know what they are talking about, the link brings you straight into the timeline and dates we are discussing:

    It doesn`t impress me much how you use one false and corrupt WTS- kinglist (the jewish) to justify another false and corrupt WTS- kinglist (the babylonian). ANd I showed you in that other thread how Josephus is not in agreement with the WTS.

  • scholar


    It is you that chooses to ignore the facts of the matter because the simple facts as found in the Bible and confirmed by Josephus is that the seventy years was a period of exile-desolation-servitude. Therefore the seventy years could only have begun when these elements came together at the final destruction of Jerusalem which saw the desolation of the land when the people were depopulated in mass in both the 11h year of Zedekiah and Neb's 18th year which is calculated to be 607.

    scholar JW

  • Hellrider
    the people were depopulated in mass in both the 11h year of Zedekiah and Neb's 18th year which is calculated to be 607.

    Only in your WTS-fantasy. Jeremiah says people were taken away both before and after Nebuchadnezzars 18th and Zedekiahs 11th year. So there is actually a selfcontradictory statement in all your posts, as shown here:

    the simple facts as found in the Bible and confirmed by Josephus is that the seventy years was a period of exile-desolation-servitude

    ...if "70 years of desolation" means "utter destruction of all buildings and complete removal of all people", which is what you obviously mean that the word "desolation" means, then the Bible speaks clearly against your doctrine. According to Jeremiah, people were taken away both before and after Nebuchadnezzars 18th and Zedekiahs 11th year, both of which were in 587, btw, in all chronologies except you corrupt WTS`s. Ask any linguist or writer if the definition of word "desolation" is, and only this: "complete destruction of all buildings and removal of all people in the area", and these persons will say "no, go take an english-class". I find it astonishing, that I actually understand words like "desolation" and "servitude" better than you, when english is my second language, and, I assume, your first language. So go on, post your next post, as you are clearly one of those that insists on having the final word, even though that means you`re just going to repeat yourself.

  • scholar


    Yes there was an exile where some of the population including Daniel and the princes were taken to Babylon in the 7/8th year of Nebuchadnezzer which was the first deportation. Asecond deportation of thge entire population of Jews in Neb/s 18th year caused the entire land to be desolate thus commencing the seventy years foretols by Jeremiah and confirmed by Josephus who quioted Jeremiah. Josephus confirms the description and use of language that the land was desolated for seventy years. These are the plain simple facts and cannot be overturned by faulty or perverted reasoning.

    scholar JW

  • Jeffro
    Yes there was an exile where some of the population including Daniel and the princes were taken to Babylon in the 7/8th year of Nebuchadnezzer which was the first deportation. Asecond deportation of thge entire population of Jews in Neb/s 18th year caused the entire land to be desolate thus commencing the seventy years foretols by Jeremiah and confirmed by Josephus who quioted Jeremiah. Josephus confirms the description and use of language that the land was desolated for seventy years. These are the plain simple facts and cannot be overturned by faulty or perverted reasoning.

    No scholar, you've got it completely wrong yet again.

    Daniel and his companions were taken earlier, in Nebuchadnezzar's accession year. Most, not some, were exiled in the 7/8th year. And according to the bible, less than a thousand were taken in the 18th year, and nearly as many were taken again in the 23yrd year. The main exile according to the bible was in the 7/8th year, so why don't your esteemed WT 'scolar's start their seventy years from then? It is because their previous 1914 wall over in a heap, which it does in view of the facts anyway.

  • Narkissos

    * insert pic of rodent in wheelcage *

  • Hellrider

    Scholar isn`t interested in mentioning any later deportations than the one on Nebuchadnezzars 18th year, of course:

    Jeremiah 52:30 in Nebuchadnezzar’s twenty-third year,Nebuzaradan, captain of the royal guard, carried into exile 745 Jews. In all 4,600 people went into exile.

    Clearly, the word "desolation" doesn`t mean what you insist that it means.

  • scholar


    What utter rubbish. There was no deportation of Judean captives in either Neb's acc or first regnal year, this is simply a red herring, a flight of fancy that has no biblical and historical evidence. All that you have is an interpretation of Daniel 1:1 which does not mention what regnal year of Neb coincides with the third year of Jehoiakim's kingship. Further, in the list of deportations in Jeremiah 52 there is no reference to such claimed deportation.

    It seems that your argument has shifted to the census of the deportations with a priority assigned on the size of a certain numbers. Your deporatation theory is no even dignified by the Jonsson hypothesis not is considered by scholars for it is your desperate attempt to defend the indefensible. Jonsson agrees that the Jeremiah list is only partial and incomplete because the numbers given conflict with 2 Kings 24:14. This passage gives the number of captives as 10,000 and occurred in Neb's 8th year and this conflicts with the 3023 mentioned by Jeremiah in Neb's seventy year. In short, basing your argument on such conflicting and confusing numbers is fraught with risk and is better to use data that less troublesome.

    scholar JW

  • onacruse

    One Flew Over the Cookoo's Nest

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