Heres your chance..........

by defd 81 Replies latest jw friends

  • defd

    to show what we are really made of. I have been going through extreme stress, almost disstress. I will not reveal what it is at this time. I am not or have really ever been the kind to tell people my PERSONAL Business, but anyway, what is your advice to deal with this STRESS I am having?

  • Gretchen956

    Def'd, I know that we differ greatly on our spirituality, but our commonality is that we draw from it in times of stress. Its the only thing that keeps me sane. Whatever else I might think of you, I know that you have a strong faith. That well never goes dry whatever face you put on your higher power.

    Meditation is also excellent.

    Best wishes for a happy outcome for you.



  • ozziepost

    Look honestly at what is the cause of the stress......and then cut it out?

    Could the WTS be the cause of a stressful lifestyle?

  • lawrence

    Leave work NOW and go to a peaceful place - take a long walk, visit a museum, or a beach, or take a hike, or a drive down back roads at 25 mph. Then have a nice lunch somewhere you have never been, maybe a glass of wine, and let all the bad energy go. Now you have the rest of the afternoon to enjoy. And remember, stop thinking for a day. Just feel joy. No phone, no email, no IMs, nothing.

  • coolhandluke

    I am torn about replying to this because I so firmly disagree with your position most of the time. This plea has nothing to do with that and so neither shall my response. I'm going to respond on a human level because at the end of the day, we all have similar needs. As much as you will not want to, I suggest you run. It will clear your mind and give you a focal point for negative energy. Next, I suggest you do something about your self dialogue. You must combat negative feelings. You can make yourself feel any way you want to. I know that must sound like a load, but it is the truth. If it works for you, pray. Pray openly, not structured. Lay it out there. 'God I feel like crap. I don't want to. This is why. Help me. Without your help, I'm not going to get through this.' Just be honest with yourself about the outside stress. Is it something that you can eliminate. If so, do it. Bite the bullet and confront whatever it is that is causing the stress. You have control over nothing save yourself. Exercise it.

    CHL (of the deal with it head on, don't punk out class)

  • vitty

    Im sorry to hear your are having a hard time, you say EXTREME stress. There is a difference between stress that we all have to deal with everyday and a suituation that is so stressful it consumes us.

    Im a person who doesnt often cry, but when I do, I feel great after. Its hard to do but I lock myself away and just let it happen !!!!!

    It does relieve stress, it may leave you feeling totally knackered and or a bit silly but it worked for me.

    Hope you sort the cause out

  • Scully


    I have been going through extreme stress, almost disstress. I will not reveal what it is at this time. I am not or have really ever been the kind to tell people my PERSONAL Business

    So many of us have been conditioned to believe that it's a bad thing to talk about "personal business" or personal problems. Even the WTS strongly discourages JWs from discussing doctrinal concerns, issues with other congregation members or personal problems with other JWs or anyone else. The idea is that if you talk about it, you'll "bring people down" or "discourage" them or you can even risk being viewed as an apostate.

    It takes a long time to learn to trust someone enough to share things with them, especially if you have been "burned" in the past by someone who didn't respect your confidence. To true friends, being able to share your burdens and lend a shoulder or a listening ear is a gift that they can offer you. The gift that you offer them in sharing your burdens is trust. Those gifts between true friends are offered mutually and true friends are good stewards in that they do not abuse those gifts. They don't listen to you just so they can get "the scoop" and then blab it to everyone else. They don't offer advice that they know would put you in harm's way.

    The worst way to deal with stress is to pretend that it isn't there. Putting it on a "back burner" so to speak and getting busy with other things doesn't make it go away; at some point you will need to deal with what's on the back burner. What happens when you put a pot of soup on the back burner, and forget about it? If the stove is hot, it can boil over, catch fire and burn the whole house down. If the stove isn't hot, the soup grows mold and starts to decay, rot and smell. Neither of those choices is desirable. If you attend to the pot of soup appropriately - you need to eat it (by yourself or with other people), or package and store it properly, or decide to throw it away and finally wash the pot - the bad outcomes are avoided.

    You don't need to talk about what is causing you stress unless you really want to. Nobody here is going to force you to do that. But it would be good for you to take some time for yourself to examine the source of your stress/distress and try to problem-solve your way through it. Figure out all the possible outcomes and plan what you need to do to achieve those outcomes. If you decide that a certain outcome isn't what you want, then explore the other outcomes to find out which one would be in your best interests.

    A lot of us went through a similar process at one time or another. So we understand the kinds of things you're feeling and don't hold it against you if it makes you grouchy sometimes.

  • Billygoat
    Look honestly at what is the cause of the stress......and then cut it out?

    I have to agree with Oz here. When I take a look at what's causing the stress, I then have to weigh the pros and cons. Sometimes it helps to write it down on paper. For some reason when I see it in black and white, it doesn't seem as overwhelming or I realize I'm stressing over something that I need to remove from my life. I'll ask myself: Is it worth it? Is it necessary? Is there an alternative? Only you can answer that for yourself. Best, Andi

  • JustTickledPink

    If you keep doing what you're doing, you will keep getting the same results.

    Therefore, change what you're doing. Do something opposite of the stress, if it's work, leave work go to a park and walk amongst the trees for an hour or so until your body destresses. If it's church or religion stuff that has you in knots, quit reading for a while, give yourself a break. Try going to Barnes and Noble and reading some fluff, get a novel, get immersed in something else.

    Some of the constant news coverage is depressing as well, so if you're watching the news everyday TURN THE TV OFF. Rent a movie, watch cartoons, just ease up on the heavy duty stuff.

  • LittleToe

    Exercise really helps, especially if it's a meditative type.

    A couple of years ago I was facing some extreme stress and took up TaiChi (which is a predominantly non-contact Martial Art - you can usually do it alone in the privacy of your own home) and it really helped. If you don't want to go quite that far I would recommend Qi Gong, which has no martial applications at all.

    Another time I used tobacco for short-term relief, but was very specific about how long I would medicate myself that way - I guess that option isn't available to you, but nicotine patches might be

    Hope you find a suggestion that helps ya, Derrick.

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