Heres your chance..........

by defd 81 Replies latest jw friends

  • fairchild
    what is your advice to deal with this STRESS I am having?

    defd, Sorry to hear things are not well with you. It is tough to offer advice when one does not know what exactly is causing your stress. (I am not being curious here, it is obvious that you are trying to keep your personal business private). General advice, which has already been given in this thread, is to recognize and eliminate the source of the stress. Easier said than done, because many situations causing stress can be rather complicated.

    Short term stress relief such as hot baths, exercise, meditation and such are great, but you need to realize that they will not take the cause of your stress away. It's like taking a cough drop when you have bronchitis. Might ease some symptoms, but it won't do more than that.

    As for your breathing problems, is there a health food store in your neighborhood? Please try some breathe easy tea, preferably of the "traditional Medicinals" brand. it works great, I use it often when I have breathing problems.

    I hope that you are all right. Feel free to pm me should you feel the need to talk.

    Take care, defd.


  • fairchild
    Or maybe he should get a small portable waterfall. I hear those are calming.

    Actually, that is true. Or one of those lights that change color, often works for me. Relaxing music, look at the stars, nice, long walk..

  • Aude_Sapere

    A few years ago I was facing cancer treatment.

    I found that when I let my thoughts go too far in the past or too far into the future that things became overwhelming and fear and terror would set in. I found that the closest I stayed to focusing on 'now' the easier everything was to bear. My 'nows' were actually quite good and I would have missed most of them if I kept worrying about the future or re-hashing the past.

    I forced myself to only have ONE problem at a time on my plate. (one portion of a problem - ie: first find a qualified thoracic surgeon. THEN I will start thinking about the next step.) Focusing on just the most immediate portion of the larger issue makes it much more manageable.

    I made room for 'sunshine' in my life everyday. Sunshine in whatever form that took. (Sunshine = happiness, fun, peace.)

    I took care of the necessary difficult business but did not let it take over my whole being. (I viewed it as an unruly stepchild. With me all the time. Needing 100% attention occaisionally. Acceptance all the time. But needing to be taught to behave and let the other important (and fun!) things also have 100% attention routinely, too.)

    Key phrases that became mantras of sorts:

    Don't borrow trouble. (sometimes things aren't as bad as we think they are going to be. Even if they are, don't let them take up all your time and attention now.)

    One thing at a time. ONE.

    Stay in the moment.

    I hope this crisis is just temporary for you.

    Let us know how you are coping.


  • Aude_Sapere

    Oh yes -- other thoughts:

    If this is 'your' problem. Own it. Own it and take charge of it.

    If it is someone else's problem that is falling into your lap, help that person to own it. Help them learn how to take charge of it. Respect them for the actions that they take. Let it be their problem. You can be part of the 'pit crew' and the 'pep squad'.

    If you are still having physical effects of stress (fight or flight) and moderate exercise is not helping, see a doctor. Make sure you are getting enough sleep and eating properly.

    Take Care.


  • willowmoon

    Seriously, defd, have you prayed about this? I think there are many good suggestions here to RELIEVE the EFFECTS of the stress you're feeling. To truly DEAL with the the stress, though, I believe you need to seek strength and guidance from Jehovah.

    A friend who will listen to your concerns without being judgemental can help you assess the situation and validate your feelings. But if it is indeed something out of your control, and you feel it's going to get worse, and you can't change it, turn to Jehovah for HOPE... and then look deep into yourself and to Him for His answers.

    Or you can click on some of the stress-reliever ads on the bottom of this page. Lol.

    I hope you will find some comfort.

  • vitty

    You say that you dont want to discuss your private business here, I understand that, but you are anonymous and maybe you might get some advice or help.

  • defd


  • mouthy

    Another time I used tobacco for short-term relief, but was very specific about how long I would medicate myself that way - I guess that option isn't available to you, but nicotine patches might be

    Little Toe!!!! No !!!!not the above my old man died from that!!!!!! My advice is Prayer, go sit by a river, waterfall,beautiful garden ,or cry on a real frriends shoulder a trouble shared is a trouble halved .... Good luck my friend, It to shall pass believe me. I have been there done that....

  • tetrapod.sapien

    smoke some dope dfed.



  • jgnat

    Or, another job with ample cushy with moments of panic, Homer Simpson's job. Watching the reactors.

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