Great Crowd vs. Other Sheep

by prophecor 23 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • PopeOfEruke

    I checked the NWT over the weekend (first time I ever opened one for 10 years or more). In the index under "Great Crowd" it lists Rev 7:9 and Rev 19:6 (or 4 whatever that one is) BUT DOES NOT MENTION REV 19:1. Completely missing in the index. The lying dogs!!!

    I showed my JW relative - who went into all sorts of defensive modes, saying at one point it must be a printing mistake, then saying I was not looking at a NWT, then finally saying the "great crowd" in Rev 19:1 is the 144,000 because that's a big number!

    So the Little Flock is the 144,000 and is also the Great Crowd. Thats makes sense? NOT!!!!

    Jehovahs Witnesses are idiots.


  • TD
    This meant that the rest of humanity, originally believed to largely survive Armageddon and receive blessings mediated by the Christ, was now expendable for gruesome deaths at Armageddon.

    Yes......It was the doctrine of the Great Crowd that gave the JW's their exclusivistic outlook. Prior to 1935 it was clearly taught that a great many "Nominal Christians" would survive. This idea came through loud and clear in the book, The Harp Of God and the booklet, Millions Now Living Will Never Die

  • prophecor

    Thanks everyone for providing such enteresting responses. I just got in from work and will readily be able to read them when the sun comes up. Appreciated everyones responses. Thanks again.


  • Flash

    Here is a another Thread you may want to look over that had a lively discussion on the same subject:

    144,000 a literal number

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