Question 1: Do you believe that to be a certain mark of the true religion? Jesus used the Torah could be jewish...?
Question 2: Do you believe that absence of Scriptural basis for teachings is a mark of false religion? Disfellowshipping means no part of the world.. get out of her my people...
Question 3: Do you personally know, or can you find, the Scriptural basis for the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses? In the new world translation you can.................... But i also no that in my grama's baptist bible that it shows that there are 144.000 and in every other religon it dont teach that...??? right?? how did i do?? IAM disfellowshipped....let me try and answer these...... P.s 12 people sat down for dinner one night and the next day was the last day of true religon being spread..people when there ways and started there own teachings after jesus' death..