Kent's Tabloid Journalism = lies??

by Kismet 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kismet

    Kent has recently undertaken posting more and more 'headlines' fashioned much like those found in tabloid rags such as the National Inquirer. Such headlines skirt the issue but rarely are an accurate representation of the real story.

    Case in point a headlines such as:

    Never Marry a JW!

    in the story quoted she didn't marry a JW. He converted later on after they were married.

    I intentionally used a Kent-ish type of headline for this topic. Note I didn't actually call him a liar, but the headline certainly focuses your thoughts in that direction long before reading the first word of the post. Thus the power and danger of tabloid type of headlines.

    This leads me to other sensational or tabloidesque comments in his posts. For example....

    Today the Watchtower is all about money. ...
    And business is what it's all about. Weapons production, security companies, real estate companies, travelling agencies, microwave equipment, grocery stores, Car sales, fruit exporters, printing, stocks - you name it - and the Watchtower do have a finger there!

    While the Watchtower Society may have some connection to the above, it has been proven time and again that some of the above have nothing to do with the religious organization except sharing the same name.

    Others have been shown to be other corporate entities created only for use by the Bethel Family such as the orange groves in Florida. No outside sales are made.

    Re: weapons. Yes the WTBS is a stock holder of Rand. However as has been explained on numerous ocasions both here and on H20, the WTBS has no influence in the business decisions. The stocks or more importantly their dividends (if any) were donated to the WTBS by a brother who was one of the founders of Rand. These were non-voting business influence. The Society also has no rights to sell these shares. To read your comments you would have people believe Bethelites are making AK47's in Walkill not magazines. Intentional half truths are still lies.

    The innuendo is made that all the above are 'for profit' undertakings of the WTBS. This is wrong.

    New word for the day:

    pre·var·i·cate (pr-vr-kt)
    intr.v. pre·var·i·cat·ed, pre·var·i·cat·ing, pre·var·i·cates
    To stray from or evade the truth; equivocate. See Synonyms at lie2.

    Kent with this type of 'reporting' the Society doesn't have to defend itself at all. Even someone never associated with the JW's will take one look at your tabloid headlines/comments and realize ...yep all those 'ex-JW's are troublemaking malcontents. They have no legitimate claims.

    Why can't you just stick to facts? There are plenty of them!! You don't have to resort to half truths, and sensationalism to make the point. Each time you do, you shoot your efforts (and other's efforts)in the foot.

    i.e. "Thank you for your comments Mr Bowen. Now I understand there are links to your site as well? here's one "watchtower Observer" This site contains many lies and half truths Mr Bowen, and here is your link directly below it.. What does that say about how the jury should feel about your site and more importantly your allegations?"

    Exageration??? maybe. Is it worth the risk? I leave that to you to determine.


  • joelbear

    Editing out snippy and uncalled for remark about Kent.



  • Kismet


    After nearly 5 years of hanging out at JW dbs I can assure you kent is anything but Pro-Watchtower.

    I can think of few insults that would cut deeper than to call him that!! :) It was not my intent to insult Kent but to get him to think about how damaging his methods can be.


  • joelbear

    It wasn't my intent to insult Kent either.

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    The guy's a permanent adolescent. What do you expect?

  • philo

    Kismet, Perhaps a more impartial presentation would be more effective, but I can't help reflecting that more people buy tabloids than broadsheets.


  • waiting

    Howdy -- and my disclaimer ----- I want to stay in the middle where it's safe.


    My nephew (30 and df'd when he was 20) came to visit last week. His parents *let* him, his non-jw wife & only grandson (15 mos) visit them. However, no food or drink was given nor could they stay at their house after a round-trip drive of 16 hrs. in 2 days to see them.

    We invited them over and had a wonderful visit with beer & pizza.

    To the point.....even with all the anger in the young man at his parents & grandmother (who also shunned his family) - the man still did not want go to the net for infor. on his former religion (I suggested that).

    The reason? He & his wife had looked several years past - but were turned off by the aggressively negative sites. He was just looking for information and didn't want to join a "lynchmob." He never went back looking.

    I've e-mailed he & his wife some sites more to his liking.


    A new book out: Idiot's Guide to Religion on the Net - I found it at Books-a-Million. Had a section on "Other Protestant Religions". Gave the official website for JW's at "watchtower" and then stated that "many other sites could be found refuting JW's.....and "one that wasn't so rabid was www.freeminds." (I am paraphrasing as I didn't think I'd need the exact quote.)

    Even one of the Idiot Books calls some of the xjw sites "past being angry" - and points to a middle of the road site.


    I think "middle of the road" is a fine place for a lot of people, myself included. Doesn't mean we don't take sides - I'm here. It does mean we don't tend to go to extremes. People like me also tend to read "middle of the road" stuff, seldome extreme either way.

    I like Kent, btw. I personally think he's cute in a gruff sort of way. And waaaaay more intelligent than myself on any given day or subject (ok, I'm better at "how to birth a 10.11 lb. boy with no drugs.")


  • lisaBObeesa


    you said:
    "ok, I'm better at "how to birth a 10.11 lb. boy with no drugs."

    Hey, I know about that too! Are we the women or what?!
    High Five! :)

  • waiting

    Howdy lisaBo,

    Birthing is always "off topic" with men around.

    Yeah, he was two weeks late - I figured he ate a pound a week. He was the only 3 month old baby in the New Born Nursery. And homely...........Lord, that boy was homely. Turned out good later, but he was an ugly little dude.

    Betcha Kent'll have a hard time keeping up with us on this one, eh? Well, for that matter, Kismet too!


  • Fredhall

    Kent Steinhaug is an idiot.

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