Oh Outlaw
Stop bringing back the good ole days of my childhood!....millie210
by Jonathan Drake 57 Replies latest jw friends
Oh Outlaw
Stop bringing back the good ole days of my childhood!....millie210
The WTS says ...... " Now children be quiet and listen to how Jehovah is going to kill most of humanity and have birds feed off their dead bodies in the soon to come day of Armageddon "
Quite frankly the WTS Corporation never really had much appreciation or respect of children from the organization's very beginning.
Even back in the 1940 and 50's adult JWS were discouraged to have children for in doing so could possibly take away the opportunity of pioneering. ( distributing the WTS literature)
In contrast to other Christian denominations, many have day schools or day care operations situated in their churches or they organize social outings specifically for children.
So, let me get this straight. These two kids have to sit through a 2 hour meeting on a school night, and then go home and listen to their parents berate them for not paying attention. When do they go to bed? How could they possibly be ready for school the next day?
These two kids have to sit through a 2 hour meeting on a school night, and then go home and listen to their parents berate them for not paying attention. When do they go to bed? How could they possibly be ready for school the next day?....NewYork44m
From personal experience..
I can tell you it`s extremely taxing on a little kid..
Your Always Tired..
Your "NOT Ready" For School The Next Day..
Add the constant drilling of the world coming to abrupt end and education being taught today is somewhat uselessly redundant.
No wonder why so many JWS children end up with some kind psychological disorder.
Lets clarify this stupidity:
They are using a MADE UP MYTH to instil obedience in order to avoid a future MYTH / FAIRY TALE?!
Hmmm...yep, that makes complete sense hey??
I am sure that a trained professional would call this "delusional" reasoning.
That is like basing your REAL life on the basis of the events that supposedly happened to Snow White and the 7 dwarves!!!
Yes! Fear starts early!
Dress up the little boys in suits and ties and little girls in dresses. Have them endure 5 meetings a week. Expect them to stay up until 10:00 P.M. on Ministry School week nights. Expect them to finish all their homework before meeting and wake up early the next day.
Drag them along in field service Saturday & Sunday mornings. Have the little kids offer a magazine or read a scripture in the cold of winter or a smoking hot summer day.
Expect them to be quiet for two hours.Do not have them nap.Do not have them bring any toys or coloring books. Do not talk or else mom will bring you in the back room and give you a spanking. The entire congregation thinks this is a great idea! I call it child abuse!
baldfaced empty suit zombie like all the grown ups around you in the meeting.
Thats a good one have to remember that