Which aspect of JWs would you like to see a documentary about?

by Gadget 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gadget

    If you had a chance to make a documentary about some aspect of the JWs, what would ou choose? Would you talk about shunning, the blood issue, explain how its a cult, or what? Unfortunately this would only be for an 8 minute segment on a current affairs programme so I need something that'll get peoples attention and make them think without having to go too deep into the subject.

    What would you choose to talk about?


  • Honesty

    I would use Watchtower literature to point out how the Governing Body claims to be the only channel God is using today and ask the viewers if that is so how come there is no scriptural proof other than a parable by Jesus to back up their claims which allows them to control almost every aspect of a JW's life. I would then use current and past WT literature (one or 2 examples) of how mush the blood issue has been 'revised'. Sometimes totally reversed several times over the period of a year.

  • googlemagoogle

    yes, the "control aspect" would be good. how it's all about hours and reports and following men.

    i'd also point out that JWs are writing notes about the householders in field service. i bet some people would feel uncomfortable if they knew that everything they said was written down.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I think the pedophile issue would open more eyes than most anything else. Especially the aspect of the Jw rules that allow pedophiles to go door to door talking with and interacting with peoples children in their homes.


  • TopHat

    The fleecing of the Lambs....The money issue.......How is all the billions and billions spent that is fleeced from the KHs little sheep

  • Joel Wideman
    Joel Wideman

    How about the high incidence of mental illness?

  • lonelysheep

    Their manipulation of people at their most vulnerable, lowest points in life in order to push a publishing company.

  • jgnat

    As an outsider looking in, the shunning. Definitely the shunning. No one on the "outside" could see that as a reasonable practice.

  • TopHat

    Joel, that's not fair, they might have been mentally ILL when they joined.

  • stillAwitness

    Definetly one on the young people and how hard it is for them growing ip. (of course identities would have to be concealed.)

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