Which aspect of JWs would you like to see a documentary about?

by Gadget 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • skinnyboy

    i'd like the legal ramifications of a disfellowshipping to be examined. The mental anguish it causes by the "kangaroo court" style of trial by hearsay! The people conducting these "court martials" are neither qualified or in a position to administer these cruel sessions. And the public shame they dish out when the poor soul is "Publicly Reproved" is probably more damaging than actual disfellowshipping. Shurely you could sue for mental damages, having to recount in sordid detail to the comittee's predilictions. When I was publiclly reproved, i made a point of being there at the meeting it was announced, and stood up and clapped, said Bravo, and walked out! Bastards never saw me again! luckily for me i was so removed from the herd, that i didn't feel the guilt trips they laid on you, and i prety much despised the vast majority of oxygen stealers anyway. No great loss on my part. Although i did feel a bit for my family who still went at that time, although my dad had been DF'ed shortly before.

  • jgnat

    Hey, I'm on a roll here. How about a bloopers roll with a bunch of action shots (hidden camera and camera phones) catching JW's running away from us in various situations? We could call it "Shunning in Action."

  • Joel Wideman
    Joel Wideman

    TopHat: Joel, that's not fair, they might have been mentally ILL when they joined.

  • Periodic Bedlam
    Periodic Bedlam

    I think the pedophile issue would be a big attention grabber. However, this being an unpunished crime is not unique to JWs and has been reported on by the media with other religious organizations many times.

    I think a better subject would be flip-flops in the WTS idea on rape and fornication.

    http://www.freeminds.org/psych/rape.htm and http://quotes.watchtower.ca/rape_is_fornication.htm

    I remember learning for the first time as a child that if I didn't scream if I was raped I could be disfellowshipped for fornication. It shocked me so much that I thought about it for weeks. If I woke up from a bad scary dream or thought I heard something in my room and was afraid, I could feel my heart pounding hard in my chest and I could barely breathe let alone scream for my parents or anyone else. What if someone tried to rape me? If I couldn't scream when faced with common childhood "scary" situations, I would never be able to scream in a rape. What if he had his hand over my mouth and I couldn't scream? Would Jehovah understand that? What if he had a gun to my head and said he would kill me if I screamed? I used to think of those kinds of scenarios and how I would have to be faithful to Jehovah, try to scream, and get shot and killed so I wouldn't commit fornication. What terrible thoughts to have to deal with for a girl of 8 or 10 years old.

  • oldflame

    all of it

  • OldSoul

    Fear-Based "Faith" — The Anatomy of Control

    The documentary could interview a lot of Witnesses and ask questions like:

    "Do you feel free to state your viewpoint on issues, or do you feel you must agree with what your Organization teaches?"

    "What would happen if you decided that you no longer agreed with what your Organization teaches?"

    "If the Watchtower came out with an article that explained it was okay to take blood transfusions, would you be able to take them?"

    "If they came out with an article that said that owning a television would be grounds for disfellowshipping, would you sell your cars? If so, why? If not, would you be disfellwshipped for being an unrepentant car owner?"

    "Do you know why other people are disfellowshipped?"

    "Do you speak with disfellowshipped people? If you don't know why they were disfellowshipped, how do you know whether you should not speak to them?"

    I could write the scripts for this show NO PROBLEM.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    shunning already wrote a paper on that one

    the blood issue, wrote a paper on that one too but at the time I still believed so the paper actually supported them

    explain how it's a cult already made the video but it is 85 minutes long - a bit too much info for just a few minutes

    sexual abuse of children - not that one I haven't done but oh boy I could go on and on with that one. I think it would have to be just one aspect and most likely would open the eyes of the world to know that it could be highly likely the JW at the door abuses children

  • Finally-Free



  • Virgogirl

    Try to cut off their lifeline- dollars! Compare their mind controlled members to Moonies or Krishnas, reveal the billion dollar corporation that it is, with vast real estate holdings worldwide, mention doctrinal flipflops and some of the more ridiculous early teachings you would be frowned upon for bringing up, and if time permitted (lol) show how it is a dying organization as the younger generation is leaving, at least, I truly hope they are!

  • truthspokesman

    A summary of the aftereffects when exiting and remedies. Where to find more information on overcoming having been a JW.

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