I think you said it yourself, you are Christopher. Being inside the Organization BECOMES the definition of who those people are. Their lives outside of the hall are only to serve the life INSIDE those walls. They fail to have thoughts. Fail to have the right to speak, to reason, to object, to question. They fail to live their lives and start living only to hope that God destroys the planet. And thats not who you are.
Janitors and landscapers are nobodys in overalls outside of those halls, but inside they become Elders, Demigods...having the power to destroy lives and decide futures and its VERY heady. And they want more and more of it.
You are intelligent and loving and now the chains are off of your conscience and your wrists. You are free to live your life. Your lady can choose to join you or condemn you, but you wont be able to influence her if you succumb to depression and lifelessness...which is what they say you have left when you dare to LEAVE Jehovahs Organization. So live your life my friend. Happiness is the best revenge.