I think LoyalLeon is right, they are probably planning on making AGM or branch visits an annual thing by tie-in, that's why assembly halls seem to be getting projection screens put in. More tie-ins, less original material. It's a streamlining. It would be nice if they were laying the ground work for two day "regional" conventions though!
JoinedPosts by SecretHeart11
BOE Letter: New Adjustments
by pixel in**this was predicted from some members here**.
to all congregations .
re: adjustments in organizational terminology and assembly arrangements .
What's the Watchtower's View of Dedicating Your Time To Charity? Food-bank, Helping Poor Get Benefits, Big Brother, ect..
by RottenRiley indo you know of anyone who sucessfully dedicated time to charity without getting bad mouthed by witness elders?
we had a sister in creepside congregation who got a lot of lip when she was working for the food bank for free.
the jehovah's witnesses elders hinted, used the watchtower study to say "jehovah's people are ambassadors to satan's world and know the real solution is god's kingdom".
I don't know if I was just oblivious to it or what, but I have donated to various charities a lot, and even as a "good" JW it never occurred to me to feel bad about it. I would usually keep it to charities that had affected people I knew since there are so many good causes out there it would break the bank to donate to them all. I did have a recent encounter with a family member though who wanted to change an outfit when we were going somewhere where JWs would be, because they thought they looked "too trendy and like I'm supporting charity". I lost my mind I was so annoyed! Who the #%*}* cares if it looks like you're supporting charity. I couldn't be tactful at all and said "if anyone became offended that you might have been possibly supporting a charity, they are messed in the head" (ok, I probably didn't even phrase it that lightly). God it makes me mad thinking about it again. Who the crap worries about that kind of thing? Wouldn't that make you a BETTER Christian to support charity?! Grrrr...
31 years young tomorrow, B Day...four years of freedom from the towers...
by Joliette injoined this website in july 2010 and havent looked back...so happy to be watchtower free!!!!
(i was born feb 16th 1983).. i'll be 31 years old tomorrow and i feel indifferent about it.
as usually my mom said your gonna be 31 but she didnt say happy birthday.
Ugh, another thing I don't understand. I always get "acknowledgement" calls / texts from jw family on my birthday. It's because they all secretly wish to celebrate. I even see social media posts from parents saying "can't believe Susie is x years old today!" or the like. If they lifted the birthday ban there would be some big bashes, I'm sure. We are supposedly only allowed to celebrate marriage anniversaries because Jehovah instituted the arrangement of marriage, but didn't also institute the arrangement of life?! Why is own bad and not the other? Does not make sense.
Any way, Happy B-Day! (My first time getting to tell someone that! Hehe) :)
At what point did you destroy your Blood card?
by BU2B ini know for me it was soon after lurking here for awhile and reading some threads on the issue.
i remenber when i tore it into little tiny pieces.
it felt so liberating..
When they came out with the new blood cards I never filled one in and kept my old, old tattered one in my wallet because I was so scared that I would choose the wrong answer. My dad had a really horrible accident (never a JW) and required something like 25 transfusions over all his surgeries, so it was one thing I was so thankful for and really made me think. Then I changed wallets recently and 'forgot' to put it in my new one. As an interesting note, I'm pretty sure my husband doesn't have his in his wallet either, but I don't want to ask him in case it prompts him to put it back in.
Now predicting increase of anointed?
by jgnat ini came across this nugget in the may 2014 issue:.
"are you moving ahead with jehovah's organization".
....at one time, the anointed remnant were like the little one, but their number grew as other spiritual israelites were brought into gods organization.
Hmmmm... That would make sense as to why they changed the F&DS from all anointed to just the GB.
Farkel's Life Story
by Bangalore infarkel's life story.
read it here.. .
Great read, thanks for posting
Overwhelming Fear of Death
by Perversion of a truth indo any of the posters on here deal with this?
i do, and i hate it.
people (mostly my brother) tells me to not fear death and just to enjoy life and so on, but that doesn't seem to help any.
I can't say that I have had that feeling in a long, long while, but when I was young (maybe starting at 8 years old) and truly believed the JW things my mother taught me, the thought of eternal nothingness TERRIFIED me. I hated the thought of the world going on without me and all my thoughts and memories dying with me. I would get panic attacks about it at night especially. Even thinking I would get resurrected MAYBE if Jehovah didn't hate me for accidentally saying "thanks, you too" when someone said Merry Christmas wasn't a comfort. I don't know when or why it stopped being so terrifying for me, but I'm glad it's not something I think about anymore. My only suggestion would be to just put it out of your mind, I'm sorry it is so hard for you. Focus on the moments that are positive in your life and keep your mind busy. Read upbeat books or listen to upbeat music before bed so you're not going to sleep with such draining thoughts. All the best to you And I wish I could help you more!
Song About Being Shunned
by Bangalore insong about being shunned.. .
source : http://firstcorthirteenfour.wordpress.com/2013/05/06/in-memory-of-nancy-mork/.
You'd think it would be ok to attend a DF'd persons funeral as a Witness, because 'the wages sin pays is death' but I feel like it's probably still 'forbidden'
What's the Watchtower's View of Dedicating Your Time To Charity? Food-bank, Helping Poor Get Benefits, Big Brother, ect..
by RottenRiley indo you know of anyone who sucessfully dedicated time to charity without getting bad mouthed by witness elders?
we had a sister in creepside congregation who got a lot of lip when she was working for the food bank for free.
the jehovah's witnesses elders hinted, used the watchtower study to say "jehovah's people are ambassadors to satan's world and know the real solution is god's kingdom".
Me! A few years ago I was planning & volunteering (through work) several charity events per year, unpaid. Lots of my witness friends attended. It never even occurred to me it was 'wrong'. I volunteered with AIDS charities, childrens disabilities charity and a program to educate youth on business / financial planning for college and your future among other things. I never knew anyone who did anything remotely similar but I never caught flack for it either. I look forward to having time for that again in the future.
Song About Being Shunned
by Bangalore insong about being shunned.. .
source : http://firstcorthirteenfour.wordpress.com/2013/05/06/in-memory-of-nancy-mork/.
This breaks my heart as a mother and a daughter :(