Great topic! How stoopid were we all? Ha ha
I was contacted on first call just before I was 19. (1990)
1) Before I was sheep dipped I destroyed the cover of a beautiful bootleg album by The Smiths (A Nice Bit of Meat) because it has a photograph of a naked Marilyn Monroe which only showed a nipple. I've still got the LP, but it's no longer worth what it should be.
2) Also, my study conductor (who I married less than 5 months after I was put through the sheep dip) convinced me to get rid of ALL material I had by Throwing Muses (US indie band).
The reason? The lead singer, Kristen Hersh, had bi-polar and that was reflected in her music. To my wife, bi-polar was on a par with being demon possessed!
Who was I to argue? She had taught me nothing but "Truth", right???
3) Also, during my study, a brother from another congregation came along. He heard me listening to The Wonder Stuff song "Size of a Cow". He thought it was inappropriate because the lyrics talk about being 'drunk a thousand times'.
My wife-to-be overruled him when he left, and told me his favourite band was KISS. Feckin' hypocrite.