I overlooked the part asking why earlier...
Apostate - they use that term to refer to anything negative, even though it is usually true!
Bible study / personal study - The Old Testament is simply disgusting to read!
Elders - Imperfect men who are often arrogant & unloving
Field service / ministry / preaching / witnessing - Total & complete waste of time!
Jehovah's Witnesses - Self righteous jerks who think they have the truth but don't
Ministerial servants - Better known as ministerial serpents
Pioneering - I'm more zealous in the ministry than the rest of you spiritual losers
Shunning - We love you so much that we do not want to talk to you... WTF!!!
Spiritual / spiritually weak - You will die at Armageddon, slacker!
Theocratic - Used to justify man-made rules by saying they come from God
The truth - It's NOT!!!