Lol if there's no room in the COmobile maybe the next lay offs will be CO's wives.
JoinedPosts by sparrowdown
JW stopped me in the street.....
by Phizzy inhe pulled up in his car beside me and asked for directions, then he recognized me, we used to be in the same congo.. the usual pleasantries, i gave him directions, and then "when are you going to come back then" he asks.. "never" i say, "well, it has all changed" he says, " it's not like it used to be" i detect a tone of regret.. "but you know there is nowhere else to go" he boldly proclaims.. "yes there is !
" say i, "there is somewhere where you can find truth, and truth is supported by facts and evidence ".
he had to drive off then as he was blocking a narrow street, i did not get time to say " go to jw", i will tell him next time..
Poor sad JWs don't know that truth is a way of being not a book a building or a website.
We can make Jehovah happy!
by Sour Grapes inlight travels at 186,000 miles per second and it would take light 25,000,000,000 years to travel across the visible universe.. with that in mind, the borg tells us that we can make jehovah happy or sad by the things that we say or do.
i think that yhwh has bigger fish to fry.. so god watches and listens to everyone on earth so that he knows what emotions to feel.. the borg acts like they are the center of the universe and so do most jdubs.
they are just a three ring clown circus..
Yeah, makes no sense unless jehovah the great has a borderline personality with deep seated abandonment issues and JWs are his narcissist followers believing they're so special because they can make him happy or sad depending on their thoughts, feelings, actions and inactions.
Religion relies on this type of magical thinking to control people and survive.
Antiwitnessing: cowards
by john.prestor inso i'm downtown and i see two jws hanging out on a bench by a cart.
i approached them and said, i saw you guys on the news, there was a child abuse cover-up in philadelphia.
they don't respond and just look at me.
I look at it like this, even if these individual witnesses were familiar with the case you speak of "their" opinion would only be in line with the official "company" line for eg
"These are isolated cases. JWs abhor child abuse. There is worse abuse in other religions. Now go away opposer."
Individual witnesse have no power within the group to change the group and that's especially so with sisters. They are discouraged under threat of De eFFing to avoid all negative media reports and not to believe them if they do come across one. They are not the ones who make policy or change policy. They have zero power to affect change except to leave if they don't like it and possibly including all their social connections.
So they close their eyes and ears to any cognitive dissonance creating flaws and contradictions.
Talking to them is like complaining to a shop assistant about store policy the assistant will not want to complain about their employer in public even if they agree with you. There is nothing they can do about store policy even if the policy is unfair. They have no power. There is some saying about "...not taking a no from someone who doesn't have the power to say yes..." or something like that the meaning being you need to go over that person's head to get anywhere but applicable to dealing JWs.
I'm not saying it's a waste of time approaching cart people but I just wonder considering the brick walls they throw up what the goal should be when approaching cart people?
Suggestions for horror/supernatural movies
by Addison0998 inhey guys, so now that i’m pretty much atheist and i’m not scared of demons or supernatural things, or bring them into my house by watching movies or reading books about them lol, i defenitly want to watch a few scary movies.
i’ve always loved scary movies, but as witness, you don’t get to watch many since they need to be pg-13 and have no spiritism in it lol.
does anyone have any suggestions?
Yes it depends if you can tolerate fake gore - because it is fake you know, no one actually gets murdered horribly.
Alien is a classic for the building of suspense, intrigue and implied threat as you don't get a really good long inspection of the alien, critical if you want to maintain a sense of real threat. Some horror movies show too much of the monster/threat when building suspense, I think less is more.
I like any that have elements of supernatural and mystery that keep you guessing what's going on.
The Shining while being criticized for not being true to the book is actually very suspenseful - I thought anyway.
The Insidious group of movies was pretty scary though I haven't seen the last instalment.
I like American Horror Story for the writing and the stories mainly but it is gory so viewer beware.
Make America Great Again Hats...would you wear one?
by minimus ini like trump but i would be reticent wearing that hat.🤠.
I just want to know what "Make America great again " actually means at the end of the day, for America and the rest of the world.
What does a "great" America look like? Is it a reference to the fifties? Eighties? Pre 911? Pre political correctness? Time only marches forward, change is inevitable and some genies cannot be put back in their bottles.
Is there a hat that says Define "great." I'd like to know what I am agreeing with before I agree with it.
Is it clergy privilege?
by StarTrekAngel injust wanted to pose the question to the group and see what the general opinion is vs what the wt may have claimed in other cases.. we all know that they have argued over clergy privilege when elder learn of a crime but keep quiet about it.
regardless of what one may feel about this, lets assume for a minute that they are correct.. all elders are directed to contact the branch when they learn of a case of child abuse.
would the conversation between the elder and the branch be considered under the "clergy privilege"?
My opinion is this
When Uncle Perv admits to elders his "sin" after being accused of it and after being summoned and questioned about it it's NOT a confession in the "confessional" sense of the word it's an admission of guilt that should be taken straight to authorities.
When a child tells an adult about Uncle Perv they are asking for help NOT a confession.
When goodness knows how many elders and NON elders sit around or phone around basically gossiping about whether a victim is a victim or a liar and what sort of spiritual man the accused is it's NOT clergy penitant privilege by a loooong shot.
Research help needed: knowledge of Knights Templar and Masonic history vital
by Fay Dehr ini am in conversation with a uk historian regarding some knights templar locations, where jws have built buildings.
*** this is serious research - not a joke *** .
i am not - and do not wish to be - a conspiracy theorist, but something has come to light in the uk and i lack the knowledge of knights templar + masons.
I wish you the best with your research Fay it can be a deep, confusing and not to mention time consuming labrynth of a subject to research with many dead ends and red herrings that as you have already gathered not many people have the patience for, but what you have said so far sounds intriguing I hope you get some solid information. I do think there are questions surrounding WT, their origin story, various business dealings and activities, decisions they have made and why they have made them the list is long that have not adequately been answered and they possibly never will. I wish you luck.
Not Being Invited To Gatherings.
by kennylazo1 inhave you ever found out that your "buddies" from the kingdom hall went out to have fun and did not invite you?
if so how did you feel?.
Being excluded at times is part of the human experiences and many successful people considered themselves to be social outcasts and not fitting in throughout their lives. Being excluded can actually work for you sometimes if you let it.
The thing that makes it annoying with JWs is they claim to be the truest, the happiest, the Christiest most wonderful loving bosom of a religion in the whole wide wicked world.
So when the "most loving people" on earth reject you what does that do to a person?
I used to be offended by it now I see it as a good thing that I never fitted in with assholes.
Only one real point per WT study...
by JW_Rogue inhas anyone else noticed that in the wt study articles the main point they want you to remember is always somewhere around paragraph 11-14?
it's like a formula.
intro and overview paragraphs 1-4. basic wt stuff 5-8 (not controversial).
Service meetings and FS groups are essentially sales meetings.