How horrible! Just plain sick!!
60 minutes tonight, special on aborting all the baby girls in india, it has become an epidemic so severe they have placed a ban on tests that predetermine the childs sex.
now women are going underground to find out the sex of the child and abort it if it is a female.
this has caused an imbalance in the population and men are having a difficult time finding wives.
How horrible! Just plain sick!!
considering the way the jw's constantly tell you that you're not good enough, i wondered how many people here suffered from ocd?
i guess you would have to be raised in the truth for this to really affect you.
i struggled with this until i was in my early 20's.
Hi Kyria,
Nice to meet you. No, I don't have OCD but I have heard of it and it must be difficult to deal with. Sorry you have struggled with this. I hope you got the help you needed to cope.
Welcome to the board.
since i was raised a witness, it was only as i got older that i started to "think" about what i was teaching and believing.
but even as a young teen, i never accepted the thought that 1975 was going to be the end of the "system of things" and the beginning of the "new system".
i just didn't quite believe that.........what belief or teaching did you have a "hard time swallowing"?
The Cross ,The 144,000...and that only JW would survive the 'big day'
This always got to me too.
I always wondered, how could everyone else be wrong and worthy of death and they be 100% right?
although i'm in my early 40's, i still didn't get grey hair yet.
i may find one or two gray hairs once in a while, but not more.
same thing with the beard.
At 36.....not yet
well this is mine.
i'm pushing all the buttons and turning all the knobs and trying to figure out how everything works around here.
i'm looking at this posting limit line and it's just not sinking in right now.
Welcome David!
Happy posting!!!
the flu is going around.. i missed a couple classes last week.
and right now, i am just in bed with the laptop enjoying your company.
i can't breath and i get hot
Sucks, don't it? sure does!
I can not really take it easy, as I have so much work to
Just do the best you can. More rest the better you feel. I am always pushing myself and I feel better for a day and then get to feeling worst. I have a husband, 2 kids ( 16 and 9 ) and 2 kittens. I just shut the door and tell them don't knock unless there's fire or blood. LOL!!
the flu is going around.. i missed a couple classes last week.
and right now, i am just in bed with the laptop enjoying your company.
i can't breath and i get hot
((((((( jwbot )))))))
I know just how you feel. Snuggle up in a warm bed, drink some herb tea and sip on some hot soup.
I hope you feel better soon.
i came across something recently that i'm not supposed to know.
before i go further, i should state that what i'm saying here is purely speculation based on minimal evidence and i'm not saying that the wts is using this "privacy" vehicle to hide some of their considerable millions.
i further cannot give you the name of the source of the person who shared this information with me.
Things that make you go hmmmm....
To all of you I send hugs and kisses ....For all of your warm and sweet well wishes
My head is still plugged up. I am getting rest and starting to feel a little better.
Thanks for making me feel so special
I'm sickand I just want a little love and encouragement. I'm normally not this whiney but what the hell.