live the life you want to live or you will never truely be happy
don't let others control you
just got off the phone with my mom which was mostly a pleasant conversation.
we were talking about moving around to different places and asked if we desire to see more of the us why don't we just pack up and go?
i stated that we wanted to adopt or have a child in a few years.
live the life you want to live or you will never truely be happy
don't let others control you
like the idea that alcoholics have a particular gene, certain mannerisms we inherit from parents or grand-parents, red hair is a recessive gene etc.
is religion inherited as a life style or emotional dependency?????????????????
is it low self-esteem and the need for others to decide what is right and wrong, how to live and even die???????.
or perhaps programming from society
hello it's been a long time since i was here just needed some input please from all loving parents...would you rather your daughter be:
1. married to a guy who's not really that great (history of having lotsa women, irresponsible) but seems to love/like your daughter.
2. be gay (with woman who is quite good, responsible and everything but - a woman...).
she should do what makes her happy not me!
it's her life not mine!
she lives it not me
i have one or two little spiders that i noticed living in my home... but i don't get rid of them hoping that they will keep the other bugs out.. does anyone else do this?.
yes spiders live in my home with me :)
i quit....smoking that is, my pack to 1 1/2 pack a day habit...i quit june 4th, not a single cigarette since then...though 5 to 7 pounds...are ya proud of me...huh huh huh....i had a few of ya hoping i was leaving the board....ha!
Good for you !!!
this move is harder than i thought it was going to be.
i have been doing the 'mental' work for this move for sometime now.
and the last week it's been the 'pysical' part.
Hang in there you'll be just fine it's just another new adventure and you'll have a great time, scary at times yes. You made it this far haven't you?
woo hoo i just set up an ebay account.
i just put a couple of items on there - but i have tonnes of crap to sell!!!
here's my stuff so far.... .
lol have fun ball. and be careful
have you noticed those exotic locations some of our posters come from?.
some of you sure come from some exotic places!
you have the rest of us jealous.. but wait a it possible our profiles don't tell where we really are at all?.
If choosen to do so one can hide behind their computer screen and be anyone or anything that they like lol.
i was rather pleased with a few of these pics, so thought i would share: .
jackson & moose hanging out in the backyard .
my beautiful jennie .
Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures, you have beautiful kids too two legged and four lol.
we are asking our tenants to leave as of september and they are friends of ours.. .
my hubby had a conversation with the male tenant and told him yesterday (without his wife around) that they are going to have to be out by september as this situation is not working for them, us and most importantly our kids (i have 2 kids that have as and stress is not a good thing for them to go through).
he was kind of shocked but was understanding of why this was neccessary.
I agree with what bikerchic said and also my family has and always will come first!