I could try and stay away from sites like this, which I have done for months, but I still get the knocks on my door on Saturdays, the convention hall for the Jw's is literally 3 miles from my home, and then there's my mom, who comes up in conversation with my brother and dad who I try to keep in touch with since they are not JW.
I should point out I've actually been Df'd for 16 years and everything was fine until my mom was pressured to shun me to last year. More than anything, the panic actually stems from rage. Anytime I see a JW preaching, or literature, or a convo comes up about them, my blood boils. It's not that I'm afraid, but angry.
I came back here since no one else can understand what I'm saying. Growing up it was like I was a freak show compared to all the other kids. There were catholics, christians, mormons and jews in my neighborhood, and they all thought I was weird...I mean I was, I was a JW, but still. No one else that hasn't been a JW can relate to me and its hard to get some support from friends who have no idea what that life is like.