I didn't read every comment because after a few I remembered some things and just started laughing.
A. Whenever we were out in service, I mean EVERY SINGLE TIME, everyone eventually started talking about food.
B. Every service trip involved a trip through the McDonalds drive through at some point... or donuts.
C. No one ever walked at a pace that would burn more than a calorie. It is what I call "The Witness Shuffle". People rarely pick up their feet.
D. There was an elder and his family that were straight up obese, they made a point to have an ice cream cone every day. They baby sat us once, at their house, they wouldn't allow TV but they sat around eating every scrap of crispy fat from the bottom of the baking dish from dinner.
E. The people that did go to the gym all "fell away" or were disfellowshipped at some point...
I never even bothered to think of any of this...