Thank you!
Just watched the 2 episodes. Really clever comparison made about the "symbol" of something vs the reality! Great work.
for part one go here .
Thank you!
Just watched the 2 episodes. Really clever comparison made about the "symbol" of something vs the reality! Great work.
i mean, they're in a public place and may get blown into someone by the wind, perhaps hurting a child.
surely because of their position, some kind of public liability insurance or similar should cover the literature carts/trolleys?
other charities like oxfam require insurance, i'm pretty sure, or a licence..
In our part of the world, the INDIVIDUAL witnesses had to get an insurance cover to man the carts.
The cong said it is not an official activity. It is something the individuals choose to do of their own volition, hence they are personally responsible legally. (yup right - and yet they HAVE to use the official carts and do it the specific way the Society dictates!)
not being a witness has been a plus for my sex life.
what about you!
It is a sad fact that most people who escape the high control and guilt inducing grasp of JW sexual upbringing, realise this long after the best years of their lives have passed!
Sadly, the mind is released from the religious guilt, but the body is physically older and past its prime by that time!
my first impressions watching it, coming from a heterosexual male, was that it was just plain ridiculous (big surprise, i know), but i just want to share some thoughts as to why.. regarding the hypothetical scenario of two guys asking each other if they've ever woken up with an erection and other stuff like that: no, that would not arouse me.
i'm talking with a male, which i'm not sexually attracted to, and assuming he's a friend, it's just a casual conversation that i'm mature enough to handle.
the only way this is flirting (and then only maybe) is if one of us is gay.
Great comments NBD!
Yes, I agree with all you wrote.
Also, as an ex-bethelite (5 years), I can attests to the fact that during the bethel entrants school, sexual topics were covered, including a focus on pornography, and masturbation.
But I don't remember it being so painfully and specifically spelled out with such scenarios. These new videos take it to a whole new level of oddness!
local newspaper in finland has published an article concerning wtbs:s "pillowgate@ videos.
the local "communications manager" of jehovah's witnesses - veikko leinonen - has declined to comment them.
according to him they are for internal use only.
Thanks for sharing.
The more publicity the better!
if you had 2 minutes with an old witness friend or with a family member to convince them the 'truth' is a lie and the gb isnt being directed by god what would you say to get their attention that might make them question their beliefs?.
Wow Steve2!
Your comments on the previous page were brilliant!
the new "pillowgate" video exposed a loophole in the witnesses´s thinking, showing how dangerous and stupid legalism is.. this loophole is sure to destroy many people´s lives.. 1) they said that two men masturbating at the same time in front of each other does not constitute "porneia".. 2) "porneia" is the only biblical reason for divorce.. 3) from 1) we can also get two women masturbating in front of each other, or a man and a woman masturbating in front of each other, does not constitute "porneia".4) most people would consider masturbating at the same time with another person to be cheating, and a logical reason for divorce.. so this will lead to many witnesses going to the elders and being told that they cannot divorce this person who clearly cheated on them.
then, if this person (the "innocent mate") divorces and marries someone else, then that person would be the one possibly disfellowshipped!the implications of the loophole are so stupid and so damaging!i predict another flip-flop.
"considering things more closely, this is "porneia"... or doubling down on it ("sorry but that is what the biblical limits are") or just fading away into those things that only 1% of jw´s know it´s a rule....
Ah, but if one of them does not reach orgasm, is it still "pornea"?
Stupid f^%ktards! The GB really have become a laughing stock! As "jesus" said: "You have made the word of God invalid by your traditions"
if you had 2 minutes with an old witness friend or with a family member to convince them the 'truth' is a lie and the gb isnt being directed by god what would you say to get their attention that might make them question their beliefs?.
"You know that I have always appreciated the way you value Truth and Honesty my friend. These qualities are so precious and important. I also value Truth and Honesty, and it is for this reason that I have kept my conscience clean by carefully examining my faith. I am more than happy to share these truthful things with you if you wish.?"
is this true?
is this really true?!.
Bobby2446, why are you still here?
Have you not heard everyone?
Please go and "know" yourself.... (by the way, that is a euphemism)
i've been out almost 2 years now and consider myself wide awake to watchtower propaganda and well on my way to recovery from the mental abuse we've all experienced.. one thing that just will not go is that i constantly think of jwism and watchtower and get myself all annoyed at their lies and blatant twisting of facts in their broadcasts and magazines.
it's so bad that it's the first thing i think of when i wake up, then i have these mental arguments in my head proving the jw teachings false and then getting annoyed because no jw will listen even if you tried to tell them.
i call this constant thinking and mental reasoning and mental arguing "mindchatter".
Great idea Dubstepped!
Please do your story with dubstepped PE!!!
We would love that