Thanks nbd
They really are ramping up the crazy hey!
just thought i'd share this ridiculous picture from a recent watchtower.
in recent years, the word bullying has been thrown around a lot, and often misused by instigators and subtle bullies themselves.
in this picture we learn that your loving family who wants to continue sharing a family tradition with you, who hands you a beautifully wrapped present with a smile on their face, is in fact bullying you.
Thanks nbd
They really are ramping up the crazy hey!
this weeks scathing athiest podcast has great fun tearing to shreds the series of disturbing 2018 convention videos!.
if anyone is not aware of scathing athiest, this great group of guys poke fun at all manner of religious institutions, and do so in a very irreverent way!
yes, full of language and obscenity!
or find them on your device podcast app....
this weeks scathing athiest podcast has great fun tearing to shreds the series of disturbing 2018 convention videos!.
if anyone is not aware of scathing athiest, this great group of guys poke fun at all manner of religious institutions, and do so in a very irreverent way!
yes, full of language and obscenity!
This weeks Scathing Athiest podcast has great fun tearing to shreds the series of disturbing 2018 convention videos!
If anyone is not aware of Scathing Athiest, this great group of guys poke fun at all manner of religious institutions, and do so in a very irreverent way! Yes, full of language and obscenity! But very fun!
It is episode 262 'thoughts and prayers' edition. The whole episode is great, but the Jw stuff starts at approx 34:30 mins.
Dont say I didn't warn you!😉
just thought i'd share this ridiculous picture from a recent watchtower.
in recent years, the word bullying has been thrown around a lot, and often misused by instigators and subtle bullies themselves.
in this picture we learn that your loving family who wants to continue sharing a family tradition with you, who hands you a beautifully wrapped present with a smile on their face, is in fact bullying you.
Oh dear!
What publication is this from?
That is just so paranoid and distorted! This certainly would play into the persecution complex of witnesses!
potential recruits of the cult known as jehovah's witnesses/wtbts will eventually be asked the following two questions as they hand over every aspect and control of their lives to the org;.
on the basis of the sacrifice of jesus christ, have you repented of your sins and dedicated yourself to jehovah to do his will?.
do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of jehovah’s witnesses in association with god’s spirit-directed organization?.
And, in light of the WT society's "data collection policy" , there should be a third question:
" Do you understand that by undergoing water baptism, you hereby give up ALL claim to your private data, and that this is held in perpetuity by the Society?"
Serioulsy! Go to the JWdotORG site, and in the search field type "data protection policy" and read the train wreck of an excuse of a policy!
be courageous and very strong”—joshua 1:7
Great! Now we can see where those disturbing, manipulative videos fit in to the program...
i was wondering what is the most interesting or the strangest fact you've found out since leaving the jws about:.
the bible.
god .
GREAT thread!
So many things!
But I suppose the realisation that made the greatest impact to me was the understanding that the bible itself - the very FOUNDATION of power and authority claimed by high-control groups like JWs is not the "inspired word of god". And if it was, then I am more moral that that god of the bible!
when @brian j’s “bullet in the head” thread went live ( those written shots echoed in my mind.
a week later while overhearing a bible study, the conductor was asked if god really has given us “free will”.
but if someone ever put a gun to my head and asked me to renounce my faith as a jehovah’s witness, i would die.”.
Great thread! Well reasoned @Wake-me!
Your point about "theocratic warfare" was great!
I also came to that thought years ago when it came to telling the government why I didn't vote in the elections. (In Australia, it is compulsory to vote. If you don't, you have to pay a fine, or write a reason) Also, at Census time, I wrote "no religion" rather than JW.
I chose to just pay the fine, and not write a reason. Many witnesses use it as a chance to "give a fine witness and preach". I thought that it would be more prudent to NOT tell the Govt I was a witness, so that in the GT they could not track me, and I may be able to be of more help to the bros and sis by NOT being rounded up and imprisoned!
curious if any of our eu-based members (especially those still in) have heard anything from official wt channels on how the organisation plans to be in compliance with gdpr ("general data protection regulations") by may 2018?
it's my understanding that religious organisations must comply, and that religious data is treated a "protected" and therefore subject to some enhance requirements.. specifically, how will they comply with the following requirements:.
you must disclose to the individual: what data you collect on them, why, and what you do with the data (including what other parties receive the data and what they do with it).
Great thread! Thanks for sharing.
A few days ago, myself and another forum member were discussing the desire to obtain any information about us that the congregation has on file.
Of course, although we may have the LEGAL right to do so, we all know the ramifications from a cong standpoint if we contact them and ask for such. - especially as we are not DF or DA, but simply stopped attending for reasons of honesty and conscience. We KNOW that such a request will put us front-and-centre in their spotlight once again...and that is the thing to weigh up. Do we want such attention again?
As a side point, check out how Paul from JW.FACTS went through such a process of requesting his confidential data some years back! It is on his website.
in case you're not aware of my last two threads:.
the situation that arose in that my mother has been having secret access to my daughter and refusing to tell me how she is:
the build up to my solicitors visit:
I agree with ingocnito's comment.
Well done PE!
We are with you through all of this.
Maintain your Dignity, Poise and Grace, and it will show through to your daughter that you are the mild and reasonable one.
After all, this is all about HER, and HER welfare.
Much love buddy!