Thanks for posting those excellent scriptures Ding and TTDTT.
Very appropriate to highlight the appalling conduct of the society!
Thanks for posting those excellent scriptures Ding and TTDTT.
Very appropriate to highlight the appalling conduct of the society!
tuesday, february 27. let the elders who preside in a fine way be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who work hard in speaking and teaching.—1 tim.
5:17.. those related to us in the faith certainly merit honor and respect.
this is especially true of the elders who are taking the lead.
Good point STADD! Yes, by flattering such elders, they become enamoured with their standing as big fish in a small bowl.
Also, good point Morph. In fact, how often have the GB approved articles with pictures or diagrams showing the 'theocratic hierarchy' starting at Jehovah, then Jesus, then through to the GB and Elders etc....
So, while they may say "don't praise such ones" their own literature says the opposite.
No wonder the average witness has a hard time knowing how to act or respond!
it struck me that the society has created a culture of lazy jw parenting.. rather than parents being there to guide and direct and help their children through all stages of life, the gb / society has become the "go-too" for everything.. if the child has an issue, there is a wt article for that.. does the child need help with something else?
ah, there is a caleb and sophia cartoon for that.. what about that other topic?
ah, there is a book for that.. so rather than being present parents, the average jw parent simply outsources their parenting to the organization!
Ttdtt! Your comment is very interesting too!
I hadn't thought of it that way, but you have a good point! Witness marriages are lazy in that sense, as they just wait on the new system to fix everything!
Interesting observation you made.
i am a born in jw for over 30 years now and have been in various positions in the organization.
now i'm guessing most of us recognize that older generations tend to be more fundamental and less reasonable when it comes to their outlook and beliefs.
i find this to mirror the differences you see outside of the organization as well (older people less tolerant of other religions, newer technology, lgbt, etc.).
Very true observation!
Yes, I'm proud of the fact that the younger generation as a whole is more reasonable and open minded.
Nice thread.
I can hear it now from a small back room: "BAD BOY. NO! DONT TOUCH THAT!"
Oh, that was while it was a kingdom hall sorry!
when i was a young man growing up in the religion, i would try to defend whatever the understanding of a doctrine was.
i won a lot of arguments based on the idea that i knew better than anyone i was talking to and defended myself admirably.
(lol)....eventually, i realized i was in a cult but for many years i was a believer and i had faith that the gb knew more that i could understand..
I thought it was all true...even when explaining it to others.
BUT, there came a point in life when suddenly I asked myself WHY is it true...and then the house of cards fell down as I looked critically at it all!
Now I simply cannot believe I used to think it was all true! How was I so deluded??
just a few hours ago i took my wife (uber) to the hall with eats she had prepared as the cong are doing some work there.
i had not set foot onto the kh property in years and my stomach went into a knot as i did.
well what happened?
Just saw this thread now Zeb.
Sending you support and love buddy!
new comedy sitcom on cbs, the history of somebody born again living his life according to the holy bible, starts on february 26 2018. history seems familiar.....although who knows if it's gonna be beyond the pilot episode..
Thanks for the heads-up!
I'll try and find it here in Australia.
lately i've been thinking over how far i've come over the last 2.5 years since leaving the cult.
when i first left i remember not knowing who i really was and what my beliefs and values were.
previously my values and beliefs were dictated to me the the governing body in watchtower magazines.. i'm politically active, being a member of a political party and i'm even considering running in my local election in a few years.. when it comes to religion, im an atheist who has little time for superstition and "god did it" answers to complex questions.
Beautifully honest comments from all! Thanks for sharing!
One thing that stands out is how much more relaxed we all are!
Great thread!
Yes, the GB really don't see just how heartless that classic paragraph makes them look!